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May 17, 2005
Strange Sounds at The RockRate this encounter:[an error occurred while processing this directive] Dallas Smith, Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, April 23, 2005, info@ghostvillage.comClick on picture for larger view in pop-up windows. I was recently visiting the amazing and beautiful
city of San Francisco when I decided to take a trip to Alcatraz. I
mean who can visit San Fran and not go so "The Rock!?" Upon
completion of the audio tour portion of my visit to Alcatraz, I was
able to roam freely throughout many areas of the main prison
building where the cells are housed. While walking along Cell Block
"A" towards the supposed cell of Al Capone, so that I might take a
picture I heard sounds that were kind of a mix between scratching
and crying. I looked around and could not see any one that appeared
to be upset anywhere near me. To top it off, the tour I took was the
evening tour and it was about 7:00 PM or so, so not as many people
where there. After hearing the sounds a few more times, I followed
them into a room off to the side of Cell Block "A" that had a spiral
staircase up to the second and third floors. Beside the stair case,
running down behind cell block "A" was some type of barred-in shaft
that looked as though it held all the plumbing pipes for all the
cells. I could only see maybe 5-10 feet at most into this shaft --
it was pitch black beyond that. This shaft seemed to be where the
sounds were coming from. I decided to take a quick shot with my
digital camera just to see if my flash picked anything up.
Unfortunately, the screen on my camera is so small, I was not able
to see anything in the picture, nor did I see anything when the
flash lit the shaft up so I just gave up and walked away. When I got
home from San Francisco four days later, I loaded the pictures up
onto my computer screen and started going through them. By this
point I had totally forgotten about he experience I had at Alcatraz.
However, when I came to the photo I had taken of the shaft, I
noticed something in the background that kind of gave me the chills
and quickly reminded me of the sounds I heard. The closer I zoomed
into the picture, the more sure I became of what I was seeing. You
look for yourself and make your decision.
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