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July 10, 2009
4th Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet in IndianaAnnual convergence of paranormal groups set for Indianapolis.Indianapolis, Indiana-This weekend is for getting to know people and sharing ideas, and the people at Crossroads Paranormal Radio are bringing both together at a ghostly location. The 4th Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet will be held on Saturday August, 8th 2009, in Indianapolis, Indiana. This year the gathering will be held at the historic haunted Hannah House from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public. In the spirit of getting together and spreading the word, the event is free. The Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet is a pop culture event attracting thousands of paranormal enthusiasts from around the Midwest. The purpose is to aid networking within the paranormal community and to share ideas and meet people who may bring them closer to obtaining their goals. Paranormal organizations are encouraged to set up booths to present information about their organization. People looking for paranormal investigators, or thinking about joining a paranormal group, shouldn't miss this opportunity to meet some of the leading organizations in paranormal investigation. Special guests at the exent include; Keith Age, founder of The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society, Dale Kaczmarek, president of the Ghost Research Society, Wanda Lou Willis author of Haunted Hoosier Trails and More Haunted Hoosier Trails, Rob Conover, author and television personality, and Kerri Young & Lorri Sankowsky Authors of Ghost Hunter's Guide to Indianapolis. Tours of the Hannah House will happen throughout the day, and there will also be a Hannah House Yard Sale where you can find treasure to take home from the mansion. For an additional charge people at the event can attend a ghost walk through Indianapolis or stay at the Hannah House for an overnight investigation. For full details and for upcoming announcements please visit Crossroads Paranormal at www.crossroadsparanormal.com.
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