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2003 Archive:
Ley Lines, Old Straight Tracks, and Earth Energies by Jeff Belanger
December 13, 2003

Dybbuk - Spiritual Possession and Jewish Folklore by Jeff Belanger
November 29, 2003

What to Look For in a Paranormal Group by Andrew D. Laird
November 24, 2003

Reincarnation: Thoughts, Aspects, and Musings by Lee Prosser
November 17, 2003

Inside the Psychic Mind of James Van Praagh by Jeff Belanger
November 15, 2003

Exploring Our Dreams by Jeff Belanger
November 1, 2003

Halloween 2003 - What Scares Us by Jeff Belanger
October 18, 2003

Supernatural Glossary by Brian Leffler, with contributions by the staff
October 13, 2003

L'Empire de la Morte by Jeff Belanger
October 4, 2003

Spell Casting and Green Witchcraft by Jeff Belanger
September 20, 2003

To Light a Candle by Lee Prosser
September 18, 2003

The Ghosts and Legends of Juneau's Alaskan Hotel by Jeff Belanger
September 6, 2003

A Glimpse of the Afterlife: Near-Death Experiences by Jeff Belanger
August 23, 2003

Gargoyles: Sacred Scarecrows by Jeff Belanger
August 9, 2003

Astral Travel Agents by Jeff Belanger
July 26, 2003

What's Your Sign? by Jeff Belanger
July 12, 2003

The Skeptic's View by Jeff Belanger
June 28, 2003

Mercy Brown, the Rhode Island Vampire by Jeff Belanger
June 16, 2003

It's in the Cards by Jeff Belanger
May 31, 2003

Exploring Satanism by Jeff Belanger
May 17, 2003

My First Ghost Hunt by Jeff Belanger
May 3, 2003

Leaps of Faith by Jeff Belanger
April 19, 2003

Sance - A Round Table Discussion by Jeff Belanger
April 5, 2003

Exorcism: Vanquishing Demons by Jeff Belanger
March 22, 2003

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven? by Jeff Belanger
March 8, 2003

Which Witch is Which? by Jeff Belanger
February 22, 2003

Being Psychic With Peter James by Jeff Belanger
February 8, 2003

Funeral Practices and the Afterlife by Jeff Belanger
January 25, 2003

Lawrenceville Library's Most Famous Headstone by Jeff Belanger
January 11, 2003

September 18, 2003

To Light A Candle

By Lee Prosser

Christians do it, Hindus do it, Buddhists do it, Moslems do it, Witches do it, Wiccans do it... but wait, this sounds like the beginning of a wonderful song by the late American composer Cole Porter, when in reality it is a humble and heartfelt observation of the use of candles in spiritual endeavors! Where would religion and spiritual paths be without candles?

Candle burning is as old as the first caveman and cavewoman who dared to stare deeply into the burning campsite fire, and make a wish. The embers of the burning wood became like candle points of light. The Shamans and Witch Doctors of various countries found the candle a focal point to concentrate on, and oftentimes there was the steady hypnotic beat of drums or reed flutes accompanying those burning candles. 

Everything is intent. Without intent, there is no reason to pursue a wish or a dream or a personal goal. Yes, there is that old saying to be careful of what you wish for as it might become a reality. But if the intent is not there, nothing comes of it, at least not what you truly want to come to pass. To give meaning to existence, you have to create something that is meaningful which will give that existence a reason to be. Decide what you want, visualize it in your mind the way you seek to have it come to pass, have faith and trust in your intuition and let your intent be known honestly to the powers that be. You will be heard. 

Many occult historians believe that when you light a candle, the light appears on the inner planes. Then, what you wish for will attract that being or beings residing there who are best suited to help you make your wish come true. I believe this is both possible and logical.

If your intent is true and heartfelt, you will be heard and helped. Prayer and candle burning go hand-in- hand. A candle prayer is a special sort of spell -- an incantation seeking a result. 
Examples of this are the lighting of candles in monasteries by monks and priests from various religions. The lighting of candles in a Catholic church setting is a widespread tradition. Meditation before a burning candle is another approach. Different approaches -- same depth of intent. There are many aspects of lighting a candle to achieve an outcome. For instance, I find that taking a white candle, rubbing it between your hands, and concentrating on what you seek, then lighting the candle and speaking aloud with full intent what you wish to happen, can bring remarkable results in the realm of spiritual healings. You may speak your wish aloud, or say it in your thoughts. But intent is everything.

There are various individuals and groups who suggest you need a certain color of candle to use in candle burning spells. That is not necessarily true, for each individual has different needs, and not everybody has the money or interest in mail-ordering or store-buying of colored candles! But what is important, again, is intent. If you have a small white tealite candle or a short tapered white candle, use it. A white candle has been in use since ancient times, and it works.

I cannot emphasize "intent" enough. Intent is everything in the rituals of candle burning, whether you are a Christian, a Witch, a Hindu, a Vedantist, an Existential Wiccan, a Shaman, or whatever path of self-knowledge you have chosen to follow. 

Without heartfelt intent, there is nothing. With heartfelt intent, everything becomes possible.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014