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December 19, 2008
Spirits of Christmas and Holidays PastBy Edward ShanahanOne will always miss the loved ones of theirs who have passed away. The holidays can be emotional, and for some, it is a time that many families gather together and yet there is that emotional feeling of the loved ones who have passed away not being there. During the readings I do, along with my discussions that have to do with the Spiritual World, I talk about the Spirit of the loved ones who have passed away and the Spirit also missing not being involved or partaking in the family gatherings that at one time they did participate in. Just because the loved one is no longer in the living world, that does not mean their love for their living loved ones and family gatherings are gone. Usually it is stronger as the Spirit cannot be here in the living and are missing those still in the living world. What I suggest to those who miss their loved one who has passed away is something that would be for both the Spirit and the living. First, I ask the person if they still have a photo of their loved one. The majority of the time the answer is yes, and usually the person says that they have a photo hanging up in their house. It is great that the person has a photo of the loved one who passed away in their house. However, like the family gatherings and holidays, something a little special could be done, something that will show the Spirit of the loved one that they are still part of the holidays and family gatherings as in the past. I suggest that the person takes the photo of their love one into the main room that the family gathers in during the holiday. Some individuals tell me that they have a photo of their love one already in that room. If that is the case, I tell them that is fine, but to take the photo and move it to another area in the room. When the person either brings a photo into the room of the family gathering or moves the photo to another area in the room, it actually is a way of focusing on the loved one who passed away and this is a way of connecting to the Spirit. It also is a way for the Spirit to know that they are still part of the holiday family gatherings. The Spirit of holidays past is still part of the present and the love is shown to the Spirit and in return, felt by the living.
Edward Shanahan is a Psychic Reader, does Conscious Channeling and has been called a Spiritual Observer. He has been written about
in four paranormal books. Sunday nights he co-hosts the Internet radio show The Unexplained World. He does Psychic Reading
Parties and runs Psychic Fairs in the Chicago land area and also is involved in group tours and experiences of paranormal locations.
To find out more about Edward Shanahan, go to his web site at: http://edwardshanahan.com
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