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2008 Archive:
Spirits of Christmas and Holidays Past By Edward Shanahan
December 19, 2008

Don't Bark At Me, I'm Not The Dog In The Mirror - by Lee Prosser
December 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

Welcome to Your Psychic Life By Tiffany Johnson
December 1, 2008

Fresh Paths to the Paranormal By Beth Brown
November 26, 2008

The Journals of Willard David Firestone: American Indians - by Lee Prosser
November 21, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Haunted Cemetery - Ghost Chronicles
November 12, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Jeff Belanger and Who's Haunting the White House? - Ghost Chronicles
October 24, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ectoplasm - by Lee Prosser
October 20, 2008

Column - regular feature

Salem Witch Shawn Poirier - Ghost Chronicles
October 15, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Most Famous Phenomenon by Jeff Belanger
October 8, 2008

Haunted House Diary - Ghost Chronicles
October 1, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Paranormal Journaling: A First Step by Jeff Belanger
September 30, 2008

More Horrific Predictions - by Lee Prosser
September 26, 2008

Column - regular feature

Francis Thompson (1859 - 1907) - by Lee Prosser
September 18, 2008

Column - regular feature

Evolution of an Entity by Danielle Lee
September 12, 2008

Into the Abyss: Ancient Rites of Exorcism by Bishop Daniel Garguillio
September 2, 2008

Lee Prosser and Jill Peacha - by Lee Prosser
September 1, 2008

Column - regular feature

An Open Letter to the Paranormal Community by Peter James Haviland
August 28, 2008

Return to Mystery Hill - Ghost Chronicles
August 20, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Ghost of Cameron Mitchell at Branson, Missouri - by Lee Prosser
August 8, 2008

Column - regular feature

Confessions of a Grief Councilor - Ghost Chronicles
August 6, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Residual "Jiggle" by Jack Roth
July 31, 2008

Farwell to Chris Balzano - Ghost Chronicles
July 23, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

A Matter of Respect by Patrick Burke
July 21, 2008

Economic Collapse and Depression in the United States - by Lee Prosser
July 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Portsmouth Lighthouse - Ghost Chronicles
July 9, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Legends Set in Stone by Beth Brown
July 3, 2008

Investigating the Pukwudgies - Ghost Chronicles
June 25, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Sensitive - by Lee Prosser
June 20, 2008

Column - regular feature

Ghost Hunting Etiquette 102 by Danielle Quinlan Lee
June 13, 2008

Allup, Leiru, Ligil, Uriel, Pulla - by Lee Prosser
May 23, 2008

Column - regular feature

Ohio's Haunted History by Sherri Brake-Recco
May 19, 2008

Weird Massachusetts - Paranormal Journeys
May 9, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Water Ghosts: Theory of the Bobbing Heads and Floating Bodies - by Lee Prosser
May 9, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Shadows Know by Edward Shanahan
May 2, 2008

Weird Massachusetts with Jeff Belanger - Ghost Chronicles
April 23, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

American Negro Civil War Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
April 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

Landmark Ghosts By Beth Brown
April 3, 2008

The Lizzy Borden House - Ghost Chronicles
April 2, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghosts of Hollywood - Ghost Chronicles
March 19, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

On the Nature of Group Dynamics By Rick Moran
March 19, 2008

Billy The Kid - by Lee Prosser
March 12, 2008

Column - regular feature

Women in the Paranormal: Donna LaCroix
March 5, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Amy Bruni
March 2, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Ursula Bielski
February 28, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: L'Aura Hladik
February 25, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Allison Andrews
February 22, 2008

Haunted Cape Cod and the Islands - Ghost Chronicles
February 20, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Women in the Paranormal: Rosemary Ellen Guiley
February 19, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Lorraine Warren
February 16, 2008

The Ghosts of Tombstone - Paranormal Journeys
February 14, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Valentine's Day Special - Ghost Chronicles
February 13, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Magick and Magic, What is the Difference? - by Lee Prosser
February 13, 2008

Column - regular feature

My Theory on Spirits of the Paranormal by Edward Shanahan
February 1, 2008

Investigating the Sance with U.K. psychic Gavin Cromwell - Ghost Chronicles
January 30, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Electronic Voice Phenomena is affected by Solar Weather by Tom Ginther
January 21, 2008

The Concord Colonial Inn - Ghost Chronicles
January 16, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghost Cat - by Lee Prosser
January 15, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Lizzie Borden House - Paranormal Journeys
January 11, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Russian Ghosts - Ghost Chronicles
January 9, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Shadows Of Evil by Rick Hayes
January 4, 2008

Haunted Devon, UK - Ghost Chronicles
January 2, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Magickal Rings - by Lee Prosser
January 2, 2008

Column - regular feature

June 13, 2008

Ghost Hunting Etiquette 102

By Danielle Quinlan Lee

A ghost, spirit or specter is a compilation of many different elements.

First and foremost, it is the essence and energy of a previously living human being lacking all of its physical senses, sight, sound, touch, etc.

Second, it is a mass of feelings and pure thought that must use alternate forms of communication. They can easily sense a human's feelings, whether it be fear, malevolence or kindness.

Thirdly, a ghost is an elemental being sustained by an energetically charged environment. Many elements are required to establish the formation of this elusive entity. Energy, first and foremost is essential for its existence and manifestation.

Upon entering an environment where a suspected spirit resides, it is essential to allow the spirit the opportunity to manifest. If the researchers and ghost hunters charge in with lights out and cameras blazing, the spirit may be intimidated by the aggressive nature and become reclusive. There needs to be a common courtesy from both parties for a successful investigation to be fruitful. Poking and provoking the spirit, while occasionally effective, may result in unwanted physical attacks or no results at all.

Let's review what our basic understanding of ghosts from a scientific standpoint for a moment. All theories and assumed facts based on our experiences, technology and experiments.

First, ghosts vibrate at a higher frequency in their realm than our own due to their lack of physical substance. Our realm having a heavier density and a substantially lower frequency of vibration, causes us to lack the ability to communicate properly with these entities. This assumed fact has been established by the use of electromagnetic field detectors, electronic voice phenomena, and various other technology based methods.

Second, ghosts need a substantial amount of energy to manifest in our realm. It is alleged that when an entity is trying to manifest, many amazing environmental changes begin to take place. The area of manifestation becomes increasingly cooler, much colder than it's surroundings and previous readings of the area. The air becomes more dense and significantly charged with electromagnetic energy, hence the common observation of eye witnesses stating that the hairs on the back of their neck stood up. Batteries and sources of energy are occasionally drained or manipulated. Lights flickering or electronic equipment turning on and off may be an example of energy manipulation upon a spirit's attempt to complete formation. This, in theory, is the entity attempting to draw as much energy out the area as possible to visibly manifest. A ghost's energetic temperature signature has been recorded with the help of a thermal camera.

There are many forms that an entity can assume, based on the amount of energy it can consume at that present moment. There is the ominous floating orb of light, the lightweight mist, the dark and sinister looking shadow, various invisible and physically assertive forms and ultimately the fully formed torso apparition. Their abilities to manifest seem to be dependent on the use and availability of some forms of energy. In a home, they utilize lights, batteries and other man-made technologies to enhance their abilities. Outside, where it seems there would be little source of extracting energy, there are ley lines, air charged by naturally occurring friction and electricity as well as various sources of certain rock and minerals.

So, based on this basic information that we living folks have gathered over the years pertaining to the existence of the other side, we can finally put it to good use. My first proposal is that when performing a ghost hunting expedition is to provide an energy source for the entities to utilize. As ghost hunters, much of our technological equipment relies on the premise of being in complete darkness. That is all well and good, but it can deprive the entity of any form of energy to use for manifestation.

In one television episode, TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) ghost hunters were working on a case concerning a light house. The entities were heard and seen from the very peak of the lighthouse, but throughout the episode and the general stories from eye witnesses, the spirits rarely ventured far from that area. This episode contained some amazing and clear footage of the entities peering over the railing and coming down the lighthouse stairs. It would seem that this was their chosen home due to, in my opinion, the immense power that the giant light emits or the powerful motor turning the light. I found it interesting how in the event of complete darkness, the entities maintained their visible forms for lengthy periods of time, possibly due using the strongest potential and residual energy light source within the area. Like a moth to a flame, they seemed to cling to the beacon of light.

One must remember how much work and effort it takes for them to transform themselves to our level. They are barely aware of our presence in general, as well as the fact that they cannot perform efficiently in our realm's particular density. Where they exist, it is confusing and foggy at best. For us living people, we could not function in an environment with very little oxygen, we would be disorientated and would have extreme difficulty performing even the most simple of actions. This is how it is for those trying to lower their vibrations from a higher vibration realm, except energy is their oxygen.

A couple of theories that substantiates the need for more energy in the air is that of the noticeable paranormal activity increases during electrical storms and barometric pressure changes. With lightening charging all the particles in the air, the air itself becomes a conduit of pure energy for the spirits to utilize.

There are many examples of communication barriers in our own existence. An example is that of a hearing person and a deaf person. We acknowledge the fact that some people are incapable of understanding what we are trying to say with our voice. We then adapt ourselves to their needs. By using sign language we've established a bridge for crossing the communication gap. In this compassionate and dignified manner, we are respecting the hearing impaired. A ghost isn't any different in that respect. We simply need to adapt ourselves and our perceptions to find a way to communicate.

Psychics in general, if they are truly such and honest, emit a particularly high vibration when attempting to communicate with a ghost. A psychic can actually raises the particle acceleration of their own vibration within their aura and general surroundings allowing a spirit the opportunity to potentially communicate. Everyone though can alter their aura or energy field to communicate with the other side, it simply requires practice and trust in your own abilities. The adapted energy field that a psychic emits is like a virtual beacon to the paranormal. That is why people who are considered sensitives or empathic are more able to potentially attract and communicate with the desired entities.

But seeing that nowadays we desperately want undeniable and factual proof that the ghosts exist, we must utilize human technology as much as possible. The perfect end result being an actual videotaped interview with a spirit exchanging information.

We are called ghost "hunters" right? Let's break down the implication of a hunter. A hunter travels to the potential prey's location, their natural environment. The hunter sets up various traps, baits and strategies as to best capture his opponent, correct? There are certain rules and common senses that the hunter uses to entice his prey, based on observation and research. Should we apply the term "hunter" to ourselves as paranormal investigators, we see that we are attempting to "capture" a certain unpredictable prey. The problem is, we are not complying with the prey's rules.

If it's energy the prey desires, we must comply to the rules. Yes?

If ghosts are drawing energy to themselves to create electromagnetic fields, it must be necessary for them to do this in order to manifest and communicate. We must recreate an energy source from with they can draw so that they can charge their existing density in order to allow more efficient permeability of free space. Essentially luring them in as they are enticed by the energy.

If you become a ghost "observer" as well as a hunter, you're more likely to understand the nature of the prey. When zoos keep animals in captivity, they observe and then recreate the natural environment of the animal to the best of their abilities, to better understand, appreciate and welcome the animal to it's new habitat.

Shouldn't we then abide by the natural and unnatural environmental requests of the paranormal? We have been attempting to infiltrate this unnatural environment with our own natural understanding of our own laws of physics. We must adapt our thinking to accommodate the experimental environment and habitat of our chosen test subject.

How can we possibly understand a paranormal idea if we do not entertain the idea of altering our own perceptions of normal?

So, in combining the theories that ghosts need energy to manifest and communicate on our realm, we should then attempt to find a source of energy that can be safely placed within the desired area of effect. I think we may have to play with many forms of energy to find a satisfactory suitor, but with patience and trial and error, we will find it.

Recreating high emissions of electromagnetic energy in itself is very dangerous. Studies show that high levels can cause a human very unpleasant symptoms. Nausea, paranoia and dizziness are among the common symptoms, not to mention hallucinations. Many hauntings have been debunked due to high levels of electromagnetic energy found in a home. Poor wiring and older technology are just a few items that can produce these emissions.

There are many safe forms of creating usable energy. I would suggest trying static electricity. Remember back in science class when the teacher brought out the static ball machine. It's called a Van DeGraff Generator. It can safely produce between 200,000 and 250,000 volts, creating enough charge to make the average person's hair stand completely on end. It can literally create a miniature lightning effect within a controlled circumference, therefore charging the atmosphere, possibly enough to help enable a spirit to manifest.

One woman that contacted me about a potential haunting in her home said she often heard the sound of static electricity popping before a strange and unexplained paranormal event would occur in her home. Similar to the sound preceding and following an EVP recording.

These are just examples in how to expand your perception, and help you understand that there are ideas out there yet to be discovered. Don't limit yourselves and your experiments to only what you have learned from others, explore and trust your instincts. You may just be the one to discover the true secrets hiding behind the paranormal veil.

With all ghost hunting expeditions, safety is number one. Getting the evidence you want is a definite plus, but we must remember to treat both the homeowner and unseen house guest with both respect and dignity.

Danielle Quinlan Lee's Web site is:

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014