Ghosts - research, evidence, and discussion.
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2008 Archive:
Spirits of Christmas and Holidays Past By Edward Shanahan
December 19, 2008

Don't Bark At Me, I'm Not The Dog In The Mirror - by Lee Prosser
December 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

Welcome to Your Psychic Life By Tiffany Johnson
December 1, 2008

Fresh Paths to the Paranormal By Beth Brown
November 26, 2008

The Journals of Willard David Firestone: American Indians - by Lee Prosser
November 21, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Haunted Cemetery - Ghost Chronicles
November 12, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Jeff Belanger and Who's Haunting the White House? - Ghost Chronicles
October 24, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ectoplasm - by Lee Prosser
October 20, 2008

Column - regular feature

Salem Witch Shawn Poirier - Ghost Chronicles
October 15, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Most Famous Phenomenon by Jeff Belanger
October 8, 2008

Haunted House Diary - Ghost Chronicles
October 1, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Paranormal Journaling: A First Step by Jeff Belanger
September 30, 2008

More Horrific Predictions - by Lee Prosser
September 26, 2008

Column - regular feature

Francis Thompson (1859 - 1907) - by Lee Prosser
September 18, 2008

Column - regular feature

Evolution of an Entity by Danielle Lee
September 12, 2008

Into the Abyss: Ancient Rites of Exorcism by Bishop Daniel Garguillio
September 2, 2008

Lee Prosser and Jill Peacha - by Lee Prosser
September 1, 2008

Column - regular feature

An Open Letter to the Paranormal Community by Peter James Haviland
August 28, 2008

Return to Mystery Hill - Ghost Chronicles
August 20, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Ghost of Cameron Mitchell at Branson, Missouri - by Lee Prosser
August 8, 2008

Column - regular feature

Confessions of a Grief Councilor - Ghost Chronicles
August 6, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Residual "Jiggle" by Jack Roth
July 31, 2008

Farwell to Chris Balzano - Ghost Chronicles
July 23, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

A Matter of Respect by Patrick Burke
July 21, 2008

Economic Collapse and Depression in the United States - by Lee Prosser
July 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Portsmouth Lighthouse - Ghost Chronicles
July 9, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Legends Set in Stone by Beth Brown
July 3, 2008

Investigating the Pukwudgies - Ghost Chronicles
June 25, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Sensitive - by Lee Prosser
June 20, 2008

Column - regular feature

Ghost Hunting Etiquette 102 by Danielle Quinlan Lee
June 13, 2008

Allup, Leiru, Ligil, Uriel, Pulla - by Lee Prosser
May 23, 2008

Column - regular feature

Ohio's Haunted History by Sherri Brake-Recco
May 19, 2008

Weird Massachusetts - Paranormal Journeys
May 9, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Water Ghosts: Theory of the Bobbing Heads and Floating Bodies - by Lee Prosser
May 9, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Shadows Know by Edward Shanahan
May 2, 2008

Weird Massachusetts with Jeff Belanger - Ghost Chronicles
April 23, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

American Negro Civil War Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
April 14, 2008

Column - regular feature

Landmark Ghosts By Beth Brown
April 3, 2008

The Lizzy Borden House - Ghost Chronicles
April 2, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghosts of Hollywood - Ghost Chronicles
March 19, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

On the Nature of Group Dynamics By Rick Moran
March 19, 2008

Billy The Kid - by Lee Prosser
March 12, 2008

Column - regular feature

Women in the Paranormal: Donna LaCroix
March 5, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Amy Bruni
March 2, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Ursula Bielski
February 28, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: L'Aura Hladik
February 25, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Allison Andrews
February 22, 2008

Haunted Cape Cod and the Islands - Ghost Chronicles
February 20, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Women in the Paranormal: Rosemary Ellen Guiley
February 19, 2008

Women in the Paranormal: Lorraine Warren
February 16, 2008

The Ghosts of Tombstone - Paranormal Journeys
February 14, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Valentine's Day Special - Ghost Chronicles
February 13, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Magick and Magic, What is the Difference? - by Lee Prosser
February 13, 2008

Column - regular feature

My Theory on Spirits of the Paranormal by Edward Shanahan
February 1, 2008

Investigating the Sance with U.K. psychic Gavin Cromwell - Ghost Chronicles
January 30, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Electronic Voice Phenomena is affected by Solar Weather by Tom Ginther
January 21, 2008

The Concord Colonial Inn - Ghost Chronicles
January 16, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghost Cat - by Lee Prosser
January 15, 2008

Column - regular feature

The Lizzie Borden House - Paranormal Journeys
January 11, 2008

Paranormal Journeys - webcast

Russian Ghosts - Ghost Chronicles
January 9, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Shadows Of Evil by Rick Hayes
January 4, 2008

Haunted Devon, UK - Ghost Chronicles
January 2, 2008

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Magickal Rings - by Lee Prosser
January 2, 2008

Column - regular feature

May 9, 2008

Bide One's Time

Water Ghosts: Theory of the Bobbing Heads and Floating Bodies
By Lee Prosser

Lee Prosser - Bide One's Time is Lee's bi-weekly column on the supernatural. Throughout recorded history, in different cultures, there have been recorded sightings and episodes concerning what is commonly identified as bobbing heads in the water or floating bodies in the water. Why?

I have a theory based on research and personal observation. This is my theory. In the moment and coming impact of death, the incident of a drowning death is registered in what many call, the ethers of time, which leaves a distinct impression that can be seen throughout time by different living people. These living people have different and varying gifts with which to see and make contact with the paranormal. Sometimes, this impact of drowning death comes and the person involved dies unaware of the drowning. This impact and situation of being aware or unaware can be logically extended to other types of unexpected and oftentimes traumatic death. There are intelligent hauntings where such bobbing heads in the water may be attempting contact, and there are residual hauntings where the scene repeats itself without the ghostly figures attempting contact. Intelligent hauntings indicate awareness on the part of the ghost. Residual hauntings indicate no awareness on the part of the ghost, only a series of repeats without contact. People see bobbing heads or floating bodies because time sequences have permanently established them in that manner to be remembered. The bobbing heads and floating bodies may sink beneath the water as quickly as they appear, but some linger. Some may linger with a purpose while others do not. We live in an existential physical universe side-by-side with the paranormal universe, and with the passage of time, the universes come together and touch. Oftentimes they do more than touch, they connect.

In modern times, this very century, there will indeed be more of that contact with tangible results. Some contacts are fleeting, but some contacts are lasting, and permanent.

There is much documentation of people seeing bobbing heads or floating bodies in a river, a lake, a cave pool of water, a canal, a reservoir, an ocean, or any body of water. They are there, then they are gone. These paranormal sightings are real, and do take place often.

As people become more alert to the paranormal activities around them, and more intuitively self-trained to such things, they will see them. In time, we may all see such things, if we trust ourselves enough to do so. That is the way of it.

Lee Prosser is's book reviewer and a regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's twice-monthly column on his supernatural musings.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014