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November 28, 2007
Announcing Northern California's Largest Paranormal ConferenceVolcano, California -- American Paranormal Investigations announced today that its first annual Ghost Rush conference will take place March 28-30, 2008 at the St George Hotel in Volcano, California.Ghost Rush 2008 will be the first event of its kind held in Northern California. Conference Attendees will have the opportunity to attend lectures provided by some of the most respected names in the Paranormal Community, including: Jeff Belanger, Konstantinos, Loyd Auerbach, Todd Sheets, Mark Stinson and Al Tyas. Workshops will also be offered throughout the event and even more speakers are anticipated as the date nears. "This will be a great event for novice and seasoned investigators alike. We'll have full access to some highly sought after and active locations and have the chance to learn from some of the best in the field" said Amy Bruni, conference organizer, Producer for Beyond Reality Radio and Investigator with API. In addition to the informative lecture series, conference goers will spend two nights investigating the town of Volcano. Local business owners have teamed up with American Paranormal Investigations to allow access to their buildings after hours. At the St George Hotel alone, frequent reports of beds being unmade, knocking heard on walls, coins being thrown at bar patrons and full bodied apparitions are just a few of the happenings that drew conference organizers to Volcano in the first place. " I'm looking forward to speaking at the Ghost Rush conference in Volcano, California," said Jeff Belanger, author, founder of Ghostvillage.com , and one of the event's featured speakers. "When you consider Volcano's mining history, remote location, and haunted reputation, we're sure to have a ghostly great time investigating and discussing the paranormal in a setting that hasn't been overly exploited like many of the better-known haunts on the West coast. It's an opportunity for the attendees and for me as well!" More information about Ghost Rush 2008 and American Paranormal Investigations can be found at http://www.ap-investigations.com
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