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January 1, 2007
Bide One's TimeDVD Widescreen Format Contains Subliminal Occult MessagesBy Lee Prosser This time, I address some interesting emails and other contacts over the past year concerning the topic of DVD Widescreen format. It seems a nice way to respond to those who have written in as the end of the year 2006 arrives. All right, then. We know what a DVD is and we watch most of our movies in a DVD format. If you are unable to locate a full screen format, you are simply stuck with the Widescreen version. Now the situation comes to be, with that DVD Widescreen format there are those two black bars on your screen, one on the top and one on the bottom. Can it really be that the simple truth of the matter is that those two black bars on DVD Widescreen serve as implants for subliminal messages of an occult nature? Subliminal messages of an occult nature with a pre-defined objective and brainwashing viewers watching their favorite hit movie unawares! Think again, now, for some of your local television stations are carrying varying degrees of those black bars, one on the top and one on the bottom. Check out the networks. And what message is your television station sending you on a subliminal level while you watch unaware the news, movie, or program at hand? Is it really a subtle, subliminal occult plot to brainwash people? I do not know. Many people who have contacted me via my column seem to think so and there is a growing number of people seeking full screen format rather than Widescreen. A very large number, it seems. What do you think? I do not have the answer, but am merely reflecting some concerns from a wide range of readers out there who would like to know. Maybe an investigation of the DVD Widescreen format should be undertaken, but by whom and to what outcome? Aha, the puzzle of it all. Something of concern, given the nature of subliminal processes available to different power brokers. Well, in the meantime, Happy New Year 2007. Have a good one!
Lee Prosser is Ghostvillage.com's book reviewer and a
regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's twice-monthly column on his supernatural musings.
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