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Episode 15: The Mystery of the Ouija BoardAbout Ghost Chronicles | View the Archives | Join the DiscussionLength: 70 minutes File Size: 65.5 MB (MP3 File) Show description: Maureen and Ron travel to Salem Massachusetts where they are met by Salem Witch Christian Day to experiment with the Ouija board. Also in the show Ron and Leo interview High Witch Shawn Poirier and Bob Murch a Ouija board expert. Topics of discussion include the history of the Ouija board; it's proper use, inherent dangers, and myths. Tune in and hear Christian sing Streisand and help us solve the mystery of the Ouija board. For more information on Shawn Poirier go to: www.witchesofsalem.com For more information on the Ouija Board go to: www.cryptique.com For more information on Christian Day go to: www.festivalofthedead.com
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Ghost Chronicles is a weekly podcast that features interviews from some of the biggest names in the field of paranormal research, news roundups, and field reports from investigators all over the world. The show is uploaded each Monday and is hosted by Ron Kolek and Maureen Wood of the New England Ghost Project.
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