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August 3, 2011
Bide One's TimeGone From SightBy Debra Prosser First I'd like to thank all who donated to Lee's last bills, including his cremation. With your help I was able to completely pay his cremation in full. Again, many thanks. When Lee first decided to write a column for Ghostvillage.com, he ran many possible titles through with me. When he came up with "Bide One's Time," we both knew it was right. He put much thought in everything he did. I always felt good that he would ask me for my thoughts on many of his articles and books. I feel the title to his/my column should remain the same: "Bide One's Time." For that is what we all do in life. Lee and I were both sensitives, which I must say has come in handy for me at this difficult time. I have not seen him since his passing, but have heard from him many times and often feel his touch. We both practiced Vedanta, and knowing its teaching has been a comfort, but still did not prepare me for that first time alone in our home without him in his physical form. There has been other things/places where it is just wrong for him to not be there. One of the main places in our home is the den. He worked for hours there. His readers meant a lot to him, and he would often ask me to read a line or paragraph before commenting on it, just to be sure that we both thought his readers would understand what he was trying to convey. Jeff has been kind enough to allow me to work in Lee's stead on the column "Bide One's Time." I know I will have input from time to time from Lee, as he had so much knowledge to share and Lot's more to say. In conclusion ,Lee maybe gone from sight for now, but he will continue to be heard. How lucky we are to still have this part of Lee that continues on as I continue to bide my time.
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