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November 16, 2006 Ghostvillage.com's ITC theme is sponsored by Jeff Belanger's book, Communicating With the Dead: Reach Beyond the Grave Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC)By Jeff Belanger![]() Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC) is the practice of using technology to make contact with the spirit world. The birth of ITC coincides with the birth of modern technology and with the Spiritualist movement. As weve seen in previous chapters, just a few years after the camera was invented, people began using it for spirit contact. Thomas Edison as well as many other noted scientists were trying to study supernatural phenomena they took the position: If this is for real, then it can be measured. We simply need to develop the tools and systems to be able to touch it. Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is a subset or kind of precursor to ITC. In fact, you could say EVP was what started it all. As soon as recording equipment became accessible to the masses, people began to explore its esoteric uses. Devices used in ITC today include radios, tape recorders, televisions, telephones, fax machines, answering machines, video cameras, and even computers to capture audio, images, and text from beyond. As the now-famous story goes, the first telephone call took place March 6, 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell used his new device to call to his assistant in another room. Come here, Watson, I want you were the first words uttered through the telephone. About a half-century later, Bells invention was adapted to communicate even further than across states, countries, or oceans some people were claiming to use the phone to reach the afterlife. In 1925, Oscar dArgonell wrote Voices from Beyond by Telephone, an account of his telephone conversations with spirit friends. Allegedly, the voices gave the Brazilian author many facts that he was later able to verify that proved he was indeed talking with someone who had passed on. Can you imagine receiving a long distance phone call from a friend who died years ago? DArgonell isnt the only person to make the claim. Even today some say they experience these calls. Like all branches of scientific study, ITC evolved over many years of successes and failures. Weve already covered much of ITCs earliest history in regards to Edison and then EVP. In this chapter, I want to focus on more recent history. ITC as we know it today got its start in the late 1970s. Not surprisingly, this was when ownership of film and video cameras, home computers, and other recording devices were becoming more accessible to regular people. One of the early pioneers of ITC was George W. Meek, who conducted extensive testing and development of spirit communication devices intended to enable a simple, two-way dialogue between a spirit and a living person. Meek postulated that spirit energy is not a part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we know it. To detect or interact with spirits, it was essential to create a way to couple spirit energies with our technology, and he believed something like a transducer was necessary to be the technical interface between their energies and ours. In 1979, Meeks Spiricom device was built to be a sort of walkie-talkie to beyond. The machine was comprised of tone and frequency generators that emitted 13 tones in the range of an adult mans voice. When Meek spoke to the spirit world through his machine, the spirit world spoke back by interacting with the tone generators to make recognizable speech. Meek was astounded at his breakthrough. The spirit voice coming through Spiricom identified itself as that of Dr. George Jeffries Mueller, a former NASA scientist and university professor who had died in 1967. The spirit of Dr. Mueller said he had come close to Earth to communicate with Meek, but not only communicate to help him further develop the machine. He would be Meeks spirit colleague. Meek recorded over 20 hours of audio communication with Dr. Mueller through the Spiricom device. On the World ITC Association Web site (www.worlditc.org), there is an audio file where you can hear a piece of the conversation in which Mueller offers specific technical direction on how to improve the machine. I think that can be corrected by introducing a 150-ohm, half-watt resistor in parallel you can hear the voice say if you listen very closely. In the audio clip, Meeks voice is clear, and the mechanized spirit voice sounds similar to the speech system used by Stephen Hawking, only Muellers is significantly closer to a monotone voice and has no inflection. Meek claimed that his spirit colleagues feedback and suggestions were a critical part of development. After December 1981, Meek was no longer able to receive any communications through Spiricom. One explanation offered was that his main contact on the other side, Doc Mueller, had gone on to a higher plane and no longer wished to make contact through the machine. But Meek claimed to have had contact with other people besides Mueller during the two years of Spiricoms operation, and those people could no longer be reached either. This created some obvious controversy in the spring of 1982, when word of Meeks machine spread. The results couldnt be reproduced. According to J.G. Fullers book, The Ghost on 29 Megacycles, Meek sent out Spiricoms schematics to several hundred technicians around the world. No one has been able to reproduce the results. The original Spiricom machine was allegedly dismantled and its parts now reside with multiple colleagues of Meeks. Considering the length, specificity, and nature of his conversations through Spiricom, Meek believed with certainty that he was successful in making controlled and regular contact. In 1988, he penned the book After We Die, What Then?, a work that greatly furthered the spirit communication discussion. He wrote, For the first time in 8,000 years of recorded history, it can now be said with certainty that our mind, memory, personality and soul will survive physical death. George Meek died in 1999, though many still continue the work in ITC that he helped pioneer. In 1984, spirit messages apparently began appearing on computer screens. Ken Websters 1990 book, The Vertical Plane, details some of the hundreds of messages he received on his computer between 1984 and 1985 from Thomas Harden a sixteenth-century Englishman who once owned Websters house in Dodleston, England. The computer was an old word processor with 32 kilobytes of memory and no hard drive, meaning files had to be saved on 5.25-inch floppy disks. What was first dismissed as a prank evolved into Websters belief that there was truly something supernatural going on. Webster would come home to find messages on the monitor or light box, as the spirit of Harden referred to the machine. In these communications, Harden wrote in an old English dialect and stated that Webster was living in his house. Around this time, other ITC explorers were experimenting with ideas such as filming feedback loops on televisions. This is done by taking a video camera, plugging it into a television so the television is showing what the camera sees, and then pointing the camera at the television, which causes video feedback a series of jumping frames, static that fades in and out, and seemingly random patterns that form the visual noise. This feedback is then recorded. During playback, especially at slow speeds or when viewing the images frame-by-frame, some researchers have found that the patterns become recognizable sometimes human shapes form, and in the most profound cases, the human is instantly recognizable as someone the researcher knew in life. Our technology is developing so quickly today that the scope of ITC is limited only by our imaginations. But considering the amount of technology we now have, we also have to be twice as vigilant in ruling out false positives. AM, FM, satellite transmissions, cellular, short wave, CB, and a host of other electromagnetic signals are circling all around us, and software and computer operating systems are rushed to market with bugs that can cause anomalies in performance. To judge the validity of the message, we must examine the content. If a computer spits out some random numbers, that may very well be a computer hiccup (or even a virus). To see a message with significant meaning to its reader that references memories, situations, and anecdotes from our lives or the lives of our deceased loved ones, well, that deserves a closer look. In my first book, The Worlds Most Haunted Places, I interviewed Sharon Helfrich, the director of the Andrew Bayne Memorial Library in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The ghost of Amanda Bayne Balph has been seen on occasion around the library for several years. One of the phenomena the staff has reported include anomalies with the librarys computer system. Numbers have occasionally popped up on the screen for no apparent reason. I would be standing at the charge desk computer and then a number would scan on the computer behind me, and no one was anywhere near that computer, Helfrich said. Id hear beep, and a number would come up. Weve tried to play some of the numbers shes flashed onto the computer in the lottery, and it never really hits. We love her [Amanda] dearly, but shes not real lucky. A random computer glitch or attempted spirit contact through ITC? For a better understanding of ITC, I spoke with Mark Macy, author of Miracles in the Storm: Talking to the Other Side With the New Technology of Spiritual Contact, co-founder of the World ITC Association, and a founding member of the now dormant International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication (INIT). According to its mission statement, the objective of the World ITC Association is to promote decency in human relationships, to sustain resonance among ITC researchers, and to forge a link with the light, ethereal realms of existence. Macy and I spoke from his home outside of Boulder, Colorado. The 55-year-old former atheist began exploring ITC around 1988 after he was diagnosed with colon cancer. I began to search for spiritual understanding, which I never cared about before, he said. I wanted some kind of evidential information, not just something based on faith and belief. One of the biggest draws of spirit communication devices is the tangible evidence of contact thats so difficult to find in many organized religions. Macys motivation for seeking spirit communication is similar to many others: to know theres an afterlife. What happened next? I asked. I ran into George Meek, and he introduced me to the experts in Europe such as the Harsch-Fischbach couple. Jules Harsch and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach were Luxembourg-based ITC experimenters who got their start making spirit contact through radio systems in 1985. I went to meet with them a couple of times, Macy said. We had some amazing contacts through radio, and we established an international group called INIT. From that association, I began to get some amazing contacts of my own. These contacts quickly dissolved Macys atheism. ITC involves teams and equipment on both sides of the veil operating on a higher state of consciousness. What separates ITC from other forms of spirit communication such as EVP is the two-way dialogue with a higher realm. Macy explained how EVP involves spirits who are either close to the earth already, meaning they exist in a lower astral plane, or spirits from a higher plane who venture close to the earth to somehow imprint their voices onto the recording device. But consistent dialogue requires an advanced frame of mind and ITC. ITC is about communicating with spirits we would not normally have the opportunity to communicate with. According to modern understanding within the ITC community, spirits we refer to as ghosts are the earthbound variety. These are the kinds of entities that may respond to communication methods such as talking boards, EVP, spirit photography, and the like. Thats not to say only the lower earthbound spirits make contact via these methods, just that theyre more likely to. Macy also explained how only beings on the higher planes are capable of organizing into groups and creating an apparatus to work with devices in our world to facilitate communication. There are teams of specific spirits on the other side working with teams of people on this side, and through that ongoing interaction, a contact field develops between our world and their world, he said. The contact field is what allows these more enhanced contacts through telephone, computer, radio, and that kind of thing. And its usually assisted by ethereal beings who have tremendous power to manifest all sorts of things between dimensions. This was the first Id ever heard of physical mechanisms in the spirit world. Macy explained how the team on the other side has some kind of spirit apparatus that interfaces directly with our devices. Imagine an ethereal machine that fits on top of our radios, telephones, or computers to bridge the gap between the two worlds. I consider myself to have a better-than-average understanding of computers and how they work. I know how viruses, severely fragmented hard drives, and corrupted software can cause strange goings-on within your computer. But having files appear on the hard drive with images of deceased people whom you or your colleagues knew in life is definitely beyond the reach of random chance. Macy said, A couple had left their home to go to work. They made sure everything was turned off. The spirit team from the other side would come into their apartment, somehow turn on the computer, and plant new files on the disk. The files contained actual pictures of life on the other side. Those were by far the most astounding pictures Ive ever seen from the other side when we were getting them. But that finished up around the year 2000 when personalities got involved and ruined the contact field. One of the pictures Macy described is available on the World ITC Web site and depicts George Meeks late wife, Jeannette, standing in front a beautiful landscape with rolling hills in the background, a calm body of water, and lush flora in the foreground. To reach these spirits who are in the higher astral levels the place that we may refer to as heaven or Summerland, or the higher realm takes support on many levels. How do you get the cooperation with the other side? I asked. Through meditation and purity of thought, Macy said. One thing theyve [the spirits] talked about is that they are always in a joyous state of mind. On Earth, we kind of go up and down and have a roller-coaster ride every day throughout our lives. We get angry, we get delighted about things its easier for them [the spirits] to align with us if we can maximize that joy within us. You mean on a personal level? I asked. On an interpersonal level, especially. If youve got a group of people who are working together, if theyre mostly trusting and loving and friendly with each other, it becomes very natural for the types of people we need on the other side to come in close and work with us through ITC. If there are doubts, fears, jealousies, and animosities among the people, then it becomes easier for the darker, more troubled spirits that are closer to the earth to kind of move in, and they have no organization, no ability to create the ITC contacts. We want the people who are in this joyous state, who have the organization and the collaboration with each other the warm feelings with each other already working with other people on Earth who also have those warm feelings that keep us close. Thats the key to ITC in a nutshell, thats it. Macy has made his own contribution to ITC with Polaroid photography and a Luminator a mechanism developed by Patrick Richards. The device stands about four feet tall and looks kind of like a speaker tower. Inside the Luminator are two fans that move air over several liquid-filled rings. The machine's inventor claims the air molecule movement over the rings causes the electrons to spin in reverse the area in a 100-foot radius of the operating device is altered. Macy uses the Luminator in conjunction with a Polaroid camera he takes photographs of people, and when the image develops on the instant paper, many times the subjects face may appear as a blur. Within the blur, another face may make an appearance. The face of a spirit.
Since 2000, INIT has been inactive and the communication they were receiving has ceased because the dynamic of the group had shifted. Today, Macy is involved with a small group within the World ITC Association called the Resonance Working Group (RWG). He and about a dozen other colleagues from around the world are trying to create the contact field needed to open up dialogue with a group on the other side again. Today, theyre using message boards on the Internet to share information significantly streamlining their cooperation compared with the physical meetings, faxes, phone calls, and postal correspondence that used to make holding a multi-continental group together like that necessary. I asked if they had achieved any spirit contact through their Web-based message boards. Not yet, Macy told me.
I know its open to interpretation, he said, but what I saw on the picture was like you are laying in a field surrounded by trees and looking up at three figures. And there also seems to be a wolf in one of the amplified pictures. The results and the presence I felt was overpowering so strong so I just backed off.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher, from Communicating With the Dead 2005 Jeff Belanger. Published by New Page Books a division of Career Press, Franklin Lakes, NJ. 800-227-3371. All rights reserved. Jeff Belanger founded Ghostvillage.com on October 31, 1999. Since then, Jeff has gone on to become an author and lecturer on all things supernatural. ![]()
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