Ghosts - research, evidence, and discussion.
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2006 Archive:
The Winchester Mystery House - Ghost Chronicles
December 28, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Investigating Jane Doherty - Ghost Chronicles
December 20, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Shadow People - by Lee Prosser
December 16, 2006

Column - regular feature

The Westford Knight - Ghost Chronicles
December 15, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Haunted Real Estate by Richard Senate
December 13, 2006

Traditions Behind Christmas By Vince Wilson
December 8, 2006

The Haunted Dibbuk Box - Ghost Chronicles
December 6, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Have Ghosts? Will Travel: A Ghostgeek's Guide to the RMS Queen Mary By Jen Brown
December 4, 2006

Thanksgiving: A Day of Forgiveness - by Lee Prosser
December 1, 2006

Column - regular feature

America's Stonehenge - Ghost Chronicles
November 29, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC) - by Jeff Belanger
November 16, 2006

Ghost Hunt Seminar - Ghost Chronicles
November 15, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghost Photography: Orbs by Robbin Van Pelt
November 9, 2006

Pet Ghosts - Ghost Chronicles
November 6, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghosts Haunt the Inn by Richard Senate
November 3, 2006

Japanese Woman Artist - by Lee Prosser
November 1, 2006

Column - regular feature

The Ghosts of the Windham Restaurant - Ghost Chronicles
October 30, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Salem Witches - Ghost Chronicles
October 23, 2006

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Homan House, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: A Preliminary Report by John Sabol
October 20, 2006

What Does Halloween/Samhain Mean to You? - Compiled by Jeff Belanger
October 16, 2006

That is the Way of It - by Lee Prosser
October 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Fooling the Ghost Hunter by Richard Senate
October 11, 2006

Jack Kerouac - by Lee Prosser
October 2, 2006

Column - regular feature

Civil War Re-enactors and the Ghost Experience - by Jeff Belanger
September 15, 2006

Who Goes There in the Shadows? - by Lee Prosser
September 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Engagement and Data Analysis in Symmetrical Field Investigations by John Sabol
September 11, 2006

Occult Warfare by Richard Senate
September 6, 2006

Cats and Other Critters From Beyond the Grave - by Lee Prosser
September 1, 2006

Column - regular feature

Chicago's Strange Angles and Haunted Architecture by Ursula Bielski
August 25, 2006

I Have a Hunch: A Look at Psychics, Mediums, and Clairvoyants - by Jeff Belanger
August 16, 2006

Geof Gray-Cobb - by Lee Prosser
August 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Orbs: Have They Become that Boring? by Tuesday Miles
August 14, 2006

A Night on Char-Man Bridge by Richard Senate
August 7, 2006

Five Union Soldier Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
August 2, 2006

Column - regular feature

A Visit With Author and Witch Kala Trobe - Interview by Lee Prosser
July 26, 2006

Perceptual Stratigraphy: Making Sense of Ghostly Manifestations by John Sabol
July 24, 2006

The Trouble With Witches - by Lee Prosser
July 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

A Look at Our Haunted Lives - by Jeff Belanger
July 13, 2006

An Active Ghost Hunt at a Haunted Bed and Breakfast by Richard Senate
July 7, 2006

Lee Prosser, 1969 - by Lee Prosser
July 4, 2006

Column - regular feature

My Theory on Spirits by Edward L. Shanahan
June 28, 2006

Ethnoarchaeoghostology: A Humanistic-Scientific Approach to the Study of Haunt Phenomena by John Sabol
June 19, 2006

Christopher Isherwood & Lee Prosser in 1969 - by Lee Prosser
June 16, 2006

Column - regular feature

ESP, M&Ms, and Reality - by Jeff Belanger
June 15, 2006

A Duel on the Airwaves by Richard Senate
June 5, 2006

Marjorie Firestone and Her Dream Predictions - by Lee Prosser
June 1, 2006

Column - regular feature

Until Death Do Us Part? by Rick Hayes
May 31, 2006

Part Four: the Conclusion: Primrose Road - Adams St. Cemetery - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
May 22, 2006

Column - regular feature

Folklore, Folklore, Folklore with Dr. Michael Bell - interview by Jeff Belanger
May 16, 2006

Swami Chetanananda and Lee Prosser - by Lee Prosser
May 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Theatre, Sance, and the Ghost Script: Performances at Haunted Locations by John Sabol
May 5, 2006

Willard David Firestone and the River Ghost - by Lee Prosser
May 1, 2006

Column - regular feature

When the Spirits Held Sway at the White House by Richard Senate
April 25, 2006

Part Three: Investigation: Primrose Road - Adams St. Cemetery - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
April 20, 2006

Column - regular feature

Talking Reincarnation with Dr. John Gilbert - interview by Lee Prosser
April 17, 2006

Billy Bob Firestone and the Ghosts of Pythian Castle - by Lee Prosser
April 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Cryptobotany: the Search for Lost Plants by Richard Senate
April 7, 2006

The Mysteries of Druidry Book Excerpt Part 4 of 4 by Dr. Brendan Cathbad Myers
April 6, 2006

Vedanta and Durga - by Lee Prosser
April 2, 2006

Column - regular feature

The Mysteries of Druidry Book Excerpt Part 3 of 4 by Dr. Brendan Cathbad Myers
March 30, 2006

Ritual, Resonance, and Ghost Research: The Play in the Fields by John Sabol
March 27, 2006

The Mysteries of Druidry Book Excerpt Part 2 of 4 by Dr. Brendan Cathbad Myers
March 23, 2006

Celtic This, Druid That, Saint Patrick Hit Me With a Wiffle-Ball Bat - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
March 21, 2006

Column - regular feature

The Mysteries of Druidry Book Excerpt Part 1 of 4 by Dr. Brendan Cathbad Myers
March 16, 2006

Christopher Isherwood, Time Loops, and Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
March 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Druids - by Lee Prosser
March 3, 2006

Column - regular feature

Natural Selection and the Involution of the Gettysburg Ghosts by John Sabol
February 28, 2006

Part Two: Investigation: Primrose Road - Adams St. Cemetery - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
February 20, 2006

Column - regular feature

Lights, Camera... Action! by Brian Leffler
February 16, 2006

Divination and Geomancy - by Lee Prosser
February 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Spirit Messages from a Murderer by Richard Senate
February 8, 2006

The Ghosts of Springfield, Missouri - by Lee Prosser
February 3, 2006

Column - regular feature

The Ghost Storyteller: A Dinosaur Among Lemmings? by Charles J. Adams III
January 23, 2006

The Fools Journey: A Magickal Roadmap to Life - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
January 20, 2006

Column - regular feature

Tarot and Spiritual Alchemy - by Lee Prosser
January 15, 2006

Column - regular feature

Demons from the Dark by Chip Coffey
January 9, 2006

Spooky - by Lee Prosser
January 3, 2006

Column - regular feature

April 20, 2006

The Witchcraft Connection: Metaphysical Investigations into the Paranormal

Part Three: Investigation: Primrose Road - Adams St. Cemetery, South Bend, Indiana
By Marcus Foxglove Griffin

Marcus Foxglove Griffin - The Witch Connection is Foxglove's monthly column on Witchcraft and the paranormal.Nightfall had come at long last. It was time to gather our ghosthunting gear, clear or minds, and return to Primrose Road to continue our investigation. As the girls loaded up the van, Sampsun and I were having a private conversation about something odd that had happened to the two of us at a restaurant earlier in the day; something that we were debating about whether or not to discuss with the girls. We had both simultaneously experienced a premonition at the restaurant that had us deeply concerned; a premonition of a shotgun blast on Primrose Road. Our debate was centered on whether or not the premonition felt dangerous enough to call off the investigation. Even though the premonitions of a shotgun blast were obviously nothing to shrug off and take lightly, we sensed no inherent danger to the team. We decided that we should proceed with the investigation as planned. Something about the premonitions felt residual: Something that had happened rather than was going to happen. We decided that it would be in the teams best interest to not concern the girls with our experience. We kept the premonitions to ourselves and headed for Primrose Road. 

It was a typically chilly, mid-September night in Northern Indiana, and as we approached the turnoff for Primrose road, a dense mist greeted us. Fingerlike wisps of vapor poured from the woods and disappeared into the dark fields of harvested corn along the roadside. The mist was nothing more than one of Mother Natures parlor-tricks, but it added greatly to the ominous look and feel of the entire Primrose area. I had a pretty clear picture in my mind of what I thought Primrose Road would look like after nightfall, and as I turned the van onto Primrose's rough gravel surface I wasnt disappointed. If Primrose Road wasnt haunted, it certainly looked as though it should be. The thick, tunnel-like canopy of trees towering overhead was creepy enough during daylight hours, but after dark Primrose Road became an entirely different world. Primrose Road mist - photo by team WISP. It was plain and simply eerie. Shaking off my wonderment, I reset the van's trip-meter and we proceeded up the road to where Amber and I had experienced the sense of great sadness earlier in the day. Upon reaching our destination, I pulled the van off the side of the road, turned off the headlights and killed the ignition. I grabbed my flashlight and was about to exit the van when my wife, Becca latched onto my arm and in a very serious voice said, Fox, we have to get out of here right now. I turned on the flashlight and shone it into the back of the van. What I saw there was deeply disturbing. Becca and Amber were both shaking and looked very scared. Their faces were pale and bleak. Somethings wrong! You have to get us out of here. Amber urgently agreed. I myself sensed nothing unusual, but rather than question my teammates, I started the van and continued the slow drive down Primrose Road. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, I asked the girls what had happened. They both stated that for some inexplicable reason they had experienced an overpowering sensation of foreboding in the spot where I had parked the van. They also both agreed that the sensation had vanished as soon as we were clear of that area and that they were okay to continue with the investigation. Even though the girls seemed genuinely stable, I suggested that it was probably a good idea to get clear of Primrose for a while and check out Adams Street Cemetery. They enthusiastically agreed.

Adams Street Cemetery is nestled in the midst of several small neighborhoods, and I was suspicious that the accounts of paranormal activity (ghostly lights and strange mists) were of earthly origin. Upon entering the dimly lit graveyard, the entire WISP team felt the same thing that we had felt earlier in the day: absolutely nothing. Even after nightfall, Adams Street Cemetery seemed devoid of otherworldly feelings and sensations. Even though Adams Street Cemetery seemingly offered little promise of authentic paranormal activity, I nonetheless asked the team to disperse themselves throughout the graveyard to see if they could pick up on anything unusual. After about thirty minutes of hunting, no one had anything to report. Becca had, however, snapped quite a few digital photos on her jaunt around the cemetery, and upon inspection, a few of the photographs in the viewfinder seemed to reveal the purported strange lights. Using the headstones as markers, we were able to pinpoint the exact locations in the graveyard where the photographs had been taken. Unsurprisingly, the strange lights that seemed to be hovering inside the cemetery in the photographs turned out to be nothing more than houselights and streetlamps shining through the trees and bushes from the surrounding neighborhoods. But what about the strange mists? I asked aloud, and as if in response to my inquiry, a car sitting in a driveway across the street from the cemetery roared to life. A thick cloud of blue-gray exhaust rolled over the road and swirled about the edge of the graveyard. In the minds of the members of team WISP, the reports of ghostly lights and strange mists in Adams Street Cemetery had been debunked. With nothing at all unusual happening at the graveyard, we decided that it was time to head back to Primrose Road and further our investigation. What we encountered upon our return made the sensation of foreboding the girls had experienced earlier feel weak in comparison

Next Month: The Conclusion

Marcus Foxglove Griffin has been a student and teacher of the occult for over twenty years and is the creator and lead investigator for Witches In Search of the Paranormal (WISP). He is High Priest for the Temple of Aradia located in northern Indiana and teacher in the temples school. Under the penname Lord Foxglove, he is the author of Advancing the Witches Craft (New Page Books, 2005) and numerous articles in the areas of Witchcraft and metaphysics. "The Witchcraft Connection" is Marcus Foxglove Griffin's monthly column on the metaphysical and paranormal.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014