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September 9, 2005
Author Seeks True Stories for Book on Animal GhostsTrue ghost stories about phantom cats, dogs, horses, birds, and other animals are currently being sought for an upcoming paranormal book, Phantom Felines and Other Ghostly Animals (Citadel Press). Stories can be chilling, sad, heartwarming, or humorous. They can be about a personal experience with a family pet or animal spirit guide, a local legend, or a documented haunting, as long as it involves any type of animal spirit.All contributors to this project will receive a byline and a bio (unless they wish to remain anonymous) as well as free publicity and widespread exposure for their work. Each story should be between 300 and 1000 words, and may be submitted via Microsoft Word or typed within the body of an e-mail and sent to: gerinadunwich@yahoo.com Be sure to include your name, bio, and mailing address with each submission. (Your mailing address will not be published.) Or send a neatly-typed, double-spaced manuscript to: Gerina Dunwich, P.O. Box 4263, Chatsworth, CA 91313. The deadline for all submissions is: December 1, 2005. For more information and guidelines: www.freewebs.com/gerinadunwich/news.htm
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