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September 12, 2005
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Paranormal Community Comes Together to Offer Relief to Victims of Hurricane KatrinaGhost hunters, authors, Witches, psychics, radio personalities, and others donate over $2,000 in goods and services for an eBay auction to raise money for American Red Cross relief efforts.First-ever Paranormal Radio-thon happening on syndicated X Zone Radio Show Tuesday, September 13th to promote the charity auction. BELLINGHAM, Mass., September 12, 2005 In response to the overwhelming tragedy left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, members of the paranormal community have come together to donate their products and services to a series of charity auctions to be held on eBay from September 14th to the 21st. Items being auctioned include: autographed books, psychic readings, videos, t-shirts, ghost tours, advertising space in leading paranormal media, and more. All proceeds from the auction will go the American Red Cross relief effort. Hurricane Katrina has affected all of us, said Jeff Belanger, author, Ghostvillage.com founder, and organizer of the paranormal charity auction. After speaking with some others in the paranormal community, it was clear that we could offer a lot more help collectively than any one of us alone. A few emails were sent asking for donations, those emails were forwarded to others, and in less than a week, we have over 75 products and services worth more than $2,000, ready to auction on eBay. All proceeds from the auction will go directly to the American Red Cross. Ghostvillage.com is donating the eBay listing fees and shipping costs associated with sending the auction prizes to the winners, so 100% of the winning auction bids will go directly to the Red Cross. The auction offers a great opportunity for people interested in ghosts, Witchcraft, psychics, and other areas of the paranormal to pick up collectible items and help an important cause. About the Radio-thon On Tuesday, September 13th from 10 PM to 2 AM (EDT), radio personality Rob McConnell will devote the entire evening of his X Zone Radio Show to this paranormal relief effort. Many of the leading names in the paranormal community who have donated items to the paranormal auction will come on the show to discuss what they do and why the Katrina relief effort is important to them. The X Zone Radio Show is based in Hamilton, Ontario and is syndicated internationally on the Talk Star Radio Network. The show is also broadcast over the Internet at: www.xzone-radio.com. When I heard the paranormal community was donating items for a charity auction, I wanted to try and raise the profile of this effort as much as I could, said Rob McConnell, host of the X Zone Radio Show. Its important that people in this field make a show of force to help those who so desperately need it down on the Gulf Coast. For more information on the paranormal auction, the specific items being auctioned, and links to eBay to bid, please visit: www.ghostvillage.com/katrina. Contributors to the Auction Author Jeff Belanger and Ghostvillage.com (www.ghostvillage.com); Ron Kolek, Maureen Wood, and Karen Mossey of the New England Ghost Project (www.neghostproject.com); Ghost! Magazine (www.ghostmag.com); author Loyd Auerbach (www.mindreader.com); Raventsone Press (www.ravenstonepress.com); author Lord Foxglove (www.lordfoxglove.com); APSR Paranormal Talk Radio (www.apsrradio.com); The X Zone Radio Show (www.xzone-radio.com); author and artist Lee Prosser; Magick Mind Radio (www.magickmind.net); author Tamara Thorne (www.tamarathorne.com); Haunted Vegas Tours (www.hauntedvegastours.com); Northern Minnesota Paranormal Investigators (www.nmpi-scary.com); author John Zaffis (www.johnzaffis.com); Starr Chaney of PsyTech (www.kyghosthunters.com); animal communicator Cathy Malkin-Currea (www.animalmuse.com); Cockle Cove Press (www.cocklecovepress.com); The Las Vegas Paranormal Conference (www.tlvpc.com); Accentuate (www.accentuateyourlook.com); New Page Books (www.newpagebooks.com); author Dorothy Morrison (www.dorothymorrison.com); Mysteries Magazine (www.mysteriesmagazine.com); and author Gerina Dunwich (www.freewebs.com/gerinadunwich). For more information, please visit: www.ghostvillage.com/katrina Contact: Jeff Belanger Ghostvillage.com Email: info@ghostvillage.com
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