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2009 Archive:
Haunted Cape Encounters - Ghost Chronicles
December 30, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ouija/Talking Boards with Robert Murch By 30 Odd Minutes
December 17, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Psychic Vampires with Michelle Belanger By 30 Odd Minutes
December 10, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Rosemary Ellen Guiley - Ghost Chronicles
December 9, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Astral Projection with Robert Bruce By 30 Odd Minutes
December 4, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Four Predictions for the USA in 2010 by Lee Prosser
December 3, 2009

Column - regular feature

Secrets of the Holy Lance - Ghost Chronicles
December 2, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Investigating the Gettysburg Engine House - Ghost Chronicles
November 18, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Hindu Perspective on the Paranormal by Deonna Kelli Sayed
November 17, 2009

Animal Spirits with Melissa Sehgal By 30 Odd Minutes
November 12, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

There's Something About Resurrection Mary by Ray Johnson
November 12, 2009

Psychic Recommendations By Tiffany Johnson
November 2, 2009

Column - regular feature

Best of Paranormal Journeys By 30 Odd Minutes
October 27, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Anniversary Show - Ghost Chronicles
October 27, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

What are Ghosts? by Rob Conover and Brad Conover
October 26, 2009 - 10 Year Anniversary By Lee Prosser
October 23, 2009

Column - regular feature

Investigating Alcatraz By Mike Brody
October 14, 2009

Column - regular feature

Life, Death, and the Magicians - Ghost Chronicles
October 14, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Conspiracies with Dean Haglund By 30 Odd Minutes
October 8, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Investigating Anawan Rock - Ghost Chronicles
October 7, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Reincarnation By Tiffany Johnson
October 6, 2009

Column - regular feature

Tarot with Scotty Roberts By 30 Odd Minutes
October 1, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Faeries with Rosemary Ellen Guiley By 30 Odd Minutes
September 24, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Crop Circles with Freddy Silva By 30 Odd Minutes
September 17, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Myrna the Death Doll - Ghost Chronicles
September 16, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Skinwalker Ranch and April Slaughter By Mike Brody
September 15, 2009

Column - regular feature

A Psychic Rant By Tiffany Johnson
September 8, 2009

Column - regular feature

Parapsychology with Loyd Auerbach By 30 Odd Minutes
September 3, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Doppelgnger By Lee Prosser
September 3, 2009

Column - regular feature

Fort Delaware - Ghost Chronicles
September 2, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Derby Gaol with Richard Felix By 30 Odd Minutes
August 27, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

When Live TV Goes Wrong By 30 Odd Minutes
August 20, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Demons and Exorcism By 30 Odd Minutes
August 13, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

The Pet Whisperer - Ghost Chronicles
August 12, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Interdimensional Beings By Lee Prosser
August 12, 2009

Column - regular feature

UFOs and National Security By 30 Odd Minutes
August 6, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Ghosts, War, and the Paranormal - Ghost Chronicles
August 5, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Eveleth's Haunted Recreation Building By Mike Brody
August 4, 2009

Column - regular feature

2012 By Tiffany Johnson
August 3, 2009

Column - regular feature

Childhood Nightmare or Past Life Memory? By Andrea Leininger
July 30, 2009

Paranormal Comedy By 30 Odd Minutes
July 23, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Count Orlok's Nightmare Gallery - Ghost Chronicles
July 22, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Developing Your Psychic Ability By 30 Odd Minutes
July 9, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Accuracy in Psychic Readings By Tiffany Johnson
July 9, 2009

Column - regular feature

Ghosts and Hauntings - Ghost Chronicles
July 8, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

10 Things Guaranteed to Ruin Your Paranormal Investigation By Beth Brown
July 7, 2009

The Ghost of Tim Hardin By Lee Prosser
July 3, 2009

Column - regular feature

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) By 30 Odd Minutes
June 25, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Investigating the Legend of Dudley Road - Ghost Chronicles
June 24, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Fearing Tavern By Mike Brody
June 22, 2009

Column - regular feature

Ohio Grassman By 30 Odd Minutes
June 18, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Night Terrors By Lee Prosser
June 8, 2009

Column - regular feature

Vampires By 30 Odd Minutes
June 5, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

Those Who Have Crossed Over By Tiffany Johnson
June 1, 2009

Column - regular feature

Thayer's Historic Bed & Breakfast By Mike Brody
May 21, 2009

Column - regular feature

Your Worst Nightmare By 30 Odd Minutes
May 14, 2009

30 Odd Minutes - webcast

A Demonologist the Title Doesn't Make by Adam Christian Blai
May 8, 2009

My Clientele By Tiffany Johnson
May 4, 2009

Column - regular feature

The Ghost Huntress, Marley Gibson - Ghost Chronicles
April 29, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Ghosts of Atlantis - Ghost Chronicles
April 22, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Ghosts and Talking Rocks - Ghost Chronicles
April 15, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

A Journey Into the Future? by Richard Senate By Richard Senate
April 9, 2009

Investigating Turtle Mound - Ghost Chronicles
April 8, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Spring Evolution By Tiffany Johnson
April 3, 2009

Column - regular feature

Spiritual Healer, Kelle Eli - Ghost Chronicles
March 25, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Most Haunted's Richard Felix - Ghost Chronicles
March 18, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Return of the Haunted Dibbuk Box - Ghost Chronicles
March 11, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Talismans By Lee Prosser
March 6, 2009

Column - regular feature

A Haunting at the Inn on Washington Square - Ghost Chronicles
March 4, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Manifestation By Tiffany Johnson
March 2, 2009

Column - regular feature

Jane Doherty Investigates - Ghost Chronicles
February 25, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Retrocognition at Mission La Purisima Concepcion By Richard Senate
February 18, 2009

Interview with Brian "The Monk" - Ghost Chronicles
February 18, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

In Search of Edgar Allan Poe Part 2 - Ghost Chronicles
February 11, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Pacific Northwest Ghosts By Lee Prosser
February 9, 2009

Column - regular feature

In Search of Edgar Allan Poe Part 1 - Ghost Chronicles
February 4, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Decompression By Tiffany Johnson
February 1, 2009

Column - regular feature

David Wells - Ghost Chronicles
January 28, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

Live at the Circles of Wisdom - Ghost Chronicles
January 21, 2009

Ghostvillage Radio - podcast

The Painting By Maurice DesJardins
January 19, 2009

Missouri Hauntings By Lee Prosser
January 12, 2009

Column - regular feature

A Night on the
Queen Mary By Richard Senate
January 6, 2009

How Do You Know You're Psychic? By Tiffany Johnson
January 1, 2009

Column - regular feature

April 9, 2009

A Journey Into the Future?

By Richard Senate

Richard Senate I work up out of a sound sleep. The dream was still fresh in my mind, but it was starting to fade into nothingness. There was a notebook and pen next to my bed, and I started to write down as much as I could remember of the things I saw in my dream state. It was so real that I almost thought it was a memory except for the fact it was set in the future. I had to wonder if it might have been a vision of a journey forward in time?

I recalled that I was on a train rolling smoothly, unlike our modern trains. It was dark out with only the stars in the sky. The inside of the train was more like that of an airliner than any trains I have seen. There were few people in the car and I had the sense that it was very late at night. I could feel the train slowing. I looked out the window and saw that the train was coming to a stop at a small station with a sign. It read "Lancaster, California." I was by myself in this dream and I had a small black bag with me. I got off the train and saw that my daughter, Sarah was waiting for me on the platform. She was older and had gained some weight I saw. She had with her a baby, who was perhaps two. He was wearing a stripped tee shirt and shorts. He had bushy red hair. Somehow I knew the name child was "Max," but I can't say if that was his nickname or real name. We hugged and then walked into a parking lot with modernistic lights. It was almost empty. My daughter led the way as I carried the baby. He seemed big for his age and a bit chubby.

We went to a dark car; I couldn't tell if it was black or navy blue. It had swept back lines, with a hatchback. It was odd in the fact there was a single seat in the front for the driver and room for three in the back seat. It didn't fly, but rolled on four Goodyear tires (It said "Goodyear" in six inch white letters on the tires). There was a name on the back of the car I couldn't read and under it, a familiar logo: "Ford."

As we walked my daughter was making small talk about her husband who was working someplace in the Far East. I took a seat as little Max was strapped into a built-in child's seat. As Sarah got behind the small wheel the dash board lit up. It almost looked like the cockpit of some sort of airplane. There were dials and small displays and three TV screens. Small cameras took the place of mirrors showing what was to the side and behind the car. She started the car and it came to life with a hum. The car moved smoothly along as were went down the dark, nearly deserted streets that were not too different from today.

It seems that my daughter needed supplies indicating that my trip had been sudden. She pulled into an all night market -- I recall seeing an illuminated sign that said "24." This was one of the strangest parts of my dream because it was a store without shopping carts. We walked into the market and there was a sleepy young man with a butch haircut. He handed us a sort of wand. It was like an oversized TV remote control with a small screen. I was holding little Max who was now asleep. The store was made up of items in glass-faced cubicles with lots of colorful pictures -- some with videos running of foods. They had free samples of things one could taste, chips and dips, freeze dried vegetables, and bits of cheese with bead. To buy things one just pointed the wand at the item and pushed a button. The name of the article you wanted to buy appeared on the display with how many you wanted. I noticed the cans were not round but square, but I couldn't tell if they were made of metal or a plastic. I noticed the eggs were in clear plastic boxes. After a turn through the store we turned in the wand to a clerk who then plugged the thing into a sort of computer. My daughter gave him a small thing I assumed was a credit card. Then, a trap door opened in the wall next to the clerk and it was our stuff, all neatly packed into two blue plastic crates. One of the clerks carried them out to the car where the hatchback opened to expose a great deal of room. There was an empty crate already in the car that the clerk took back with him.

We strapped in the baby, got in the car, and drove off. The car went down a double lane road in the desert and turned down a driveway. As we drew near the lights at the house came on. It was a strange low dome made out of some reddish material. There was a large door that opened and the car drove in. The first floor was a garage, the living quarters was on the second floor. We un-packed the car into a sort of dumb waiter that went to the kitchen and took stairs to the second floor. The kitchen was in the middle of the domed house. We put Max to bed in his room off the kitchen and I sat down as my daughter made me something to eat. I looked up and saw the ceiling was made of glass or a plastic of some sort. I could see the stars in the night's sky. It was then that I woke up.

Had I stepped forward in time a dozen years, or was it just a flight of fancy? It didn't depict a world of problems or anything I have seen in movies of the future. It was a world not that unlike our own and as such, perhaps a true image of things to come. It's a world I wouldn't mind living in. Time will tell if my dream was a vision of things that shall be or some fantasy from my imagination.

Richard Senate is a California-based author and lecturer and a regular contributor to His latest book, The Ghosts of California Missions, is available now. Visit his Web site at:

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014