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Episode 97: Myrna the Death DollAbout Ghost Chronicles | View the Archives | Join the DiscussionLength: 44 minutes File Size: 50.2 MB (MP3 File) Show description: With Maureen away Erica Rock joins Ron in the WCCM studio. Their special guest is Shaker mortician, Ken Glover and Myrna the Death Doll. Myrna is a mysterious doll who can predict when people are going to die. Rose Rosetree calls in to add her two cents and we open the phone lines for those who want Myrna to predict their death. Do we get any callers? Tune in and find out! For more information on Erica Rock go to: www.ericarock.com For more information on Rose Roundtree go to: www.rose-rosetree.com
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Ghost Chronicles is a weekly podcast that features interviews from some of the biggest names in the field of paranormal research, news roundups, and field reports from investigators all over the world. The show is uploaded each Monday and is hosted by Ron Kolek and Maureen Wood of the New England Ghost Project.
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