March 2, 2005
The House Of Ludington Ghost Video
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Thesameones, Escanaba, Michigan,
February 10, 2005,
Click on image to see video - 367 KB.
The House Of Ludington is a historic, haunted,
hotel. We stay there often, and from what I have captured on
magnetic media and felt there, it is a paranormal hot spot.
The owners, Edward and Suzell Eisenberger, are fantastic people.
They are very willing to discuss the paranormal activity at the
hotel, and welcome paranormal researchers and hobbiest. For any one
wanting to visit the House Of Ludington I would recommend a
two-night stay. The place is massive! It would take that long to
cover all of it. Their (beautifully decorated) rooms start at
$55.00. They let you tour the accommodations and choose your room
before checking in. Edward is more than happy to indicate all of the
"hot" spots where others have gotten some very interesting
This particular clip was shot on February 10, 2005 in a passage
between the original basement wall and a wall of a newer structure
added to the basement. It was shot with a Panasonic PV-GS15 DVC
camcorder. The entire footage was downloaded to Windows Movie Maker,
then, with the portion of the video shot in this basement area, I
took consecutive still shots of the video to create this clip. It is
possible that a few seconds of the clip were omitted in doing it
this way. At a later time, I intend to make a mini clip of the
actual video tape.
The camcorder was set to blacklight (night recording mode). I had
set the camera myself, so I know the setting. The video camera was
then handed to another member of our group to proceed through the
tunnel. I had only gone several feet into the tunnel, as we had
forgotten to bring our flashlights down, and the camera omitted
little light, as well, the area is narrow. The basement is finished,
so it is heated and dry. The building is heated with a boiler. In
this section of the basement are a male and female old time beauty
salon, laundry, tanning room, and many antique and vintage surprises
throughout, as well as this envelope wall. There are three basements
that support this structure. I have been in only one of them. My
husband has been in two.
Our gathering of data is informal. We don't use a lot of procedure
or back up practices. The reason for this is because I capture when
I am relaxed, enjoying the company of family and friends, just
hanging out. If I concentrate on other documentation, with
distraction of procedures, and actively pursue, I don't get the best
captures. It's when I am relaxed and open that they appear in my
media, so this is the way we do this, very informal.