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Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation and the Centre for Parapsychological Studies in Canada Present the 2006 Canadian Paranormal Conference December 7, 2005
ABC Television and Wife Swap are Seeking Families Involved in the Paranormal World November 29, 2005
The Nightmare Encyclopedia Offers Insight into Our Darkest Dreams November 17, 2005
Ghost Hunting 101 at the Houghton Mansion in North Adams, Massachusetts October 29th October 17, 2005
TLC presents Dead Tenants Premiering Thursday, October 13th at 10:00PM ET October 10, 2005
California Author Launches Paranormal Animal Research Group October 7, 2005
World's Leading Ghost Hunters Unite to Produce Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales From Around the World September 29, 2005
Parapsychologist and Director of East Coast Hauntings Organization (ECHO) Has Opened a Business Office in Historic Downtown Washington September 19, 2005
Paranormal Community Comes Together to Offer Relief to Victims of Hurricane Katrina September 12, 2005
Author Seeks True Stories for Book on Animal Ghosts September 9, 2005
The W Network In Canada Seeks High-Spirited Homeowners With a Haunting August 31, 2005
HAUNT X, 2006 L.A. eXtreme Halloween eXpo - February 16th-20th, 2006 August 29, 2005
Ghosts In Reno? You Bet! August 24, 2005
Haunted Hamilton Presents the Second Annual Paranormal Summit on October 1, 2005 August 23, 2005
2005 Mid-South Paranormal Convention to Be Held September 24th and 25th at Waverly Hills August 17, 2005
1st Annual Paranormal Ghost Hunting Conference to Be Held in Cedar Key, Florida, August 20th and 21st August 15, 2005
San Diego Pagan Pride Day 2005 to Be Held September 17th August 12, 2005
Philip Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Conference to be Held July 1, 2006 July 25, 2005
The Learning Channel Seeks People With Haunted Possessions July 19, 2005
Ghosts of Griffin Gate: Dinner, Ghost Hunting Workshop and Investigation June 24, 2005
Biography Channel Launches Supernatural Series: Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters June 17, 2005
Southern Ghosts Offers A Weekend in Haunted Savannah August 26-28, 2005 June 15, 2005
The 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest of the Writers Room of Bucks County June 8, 2005
Las Vegas Paranormal Conference Beckons Ghost Investigators October 2-4, 2005 May 27, 2005
Communicating with the Dead... Truth or Hoax? May 9, 2005
"Ghost Hunt Nevada" - an Exciting New Class at WNCC May 4, 2005
"CONTACT" The Berkshire Paranormal Ghost Conference and Seminar Coming to North Adams, Massachusetts, July 15-17, 2005 May 2, 2005
Ghost Convention International: Convening Global Ghost Hunters and Researchers at the Haunted Queen Mary in Long Beach, Sept. 9 11, 2005 April 27, 2005
Smoking Gun Research Agency to Host ParaCon '05 in Stratford, Connecticut April 13, 2005
Paraquest Paranormal Conference 2005 April 1, 2005
A Weekend in St. Augustine March 28, 2005
New Jersey Ghost Conference 2005 February 11, 2005
Haunted Virginia Paranormal Conference February 9, 2005
2004 Archive
An Evening of Supernatural Legends at America's Stonehenge with Jeff Belanger September 23, 2004
New Page Books and Ghostvillage.com Announce The World's Most Haunted Places August 24, 2004
The Science of the Unexplained Summer Forum To Feature Key Speakers From Connecticut And Surrounding Area July 13, 2004
TV Show Looking to Assemble a Paranormal Investigative Team June 21, 2004
The ARC 2004 ~ Alternate Realities Conference February 18, 2004
$50,000 for PROOF of Paranormal in Canada January 16, 2004
2003 Archive
Ghostvillage.com Celebrates Four Years of Ghost Research, Evidence, and Discussion October 20, 2003
June 8, 2005
The 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest of the Writers Room of Bucks County
The Writers Room of Bucks County 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest is open to writers of all kinds and levels of experience. All entries must be original and previously unpublished. (See below for complete rules)
Prizes include:
- A book pitch to a New York literary agent!
- A tour of haunted houses and castles in Ireland!
- Signed first editions of novels by some of the top horror writers in the country!
- And much more. (See below for details!)
Entries will be judged anonymously by professional authors, and judging will be based on the writers skill and creativity. Grammar, spelling, and clarity count.
For additional information and a hardcopy of the Official Contest Rules, send a self-addressed and stamped #10 envelope to:
The Writers Room of Bucks County
Horror Writing Contest
4 W. Oakland Avenue
Doylestown PA 18901
Submission guidelines are as follows, and can also be found on our website,
www.writersroom.net. Please contact the Writers Room staff with questions at 215-348-1663, or send an email question to
Submissions must be unpublished works of fiction and nonfiction.
- Horror Short Story (maximum 5000 words)
- Horror Novel (a synopsis of 3-5 pages and one sample (first or best) chapter)
- Horror Poetry (up to three short 1-2 page poems or one long poem of no more than 10 pages)
- Nonfiction (article or essay on any aspect of Horror (folklore, literature, film, psychology, pop-culture, etc.)
- Script (submit 1-2 page synopsis and any ten consecutive pages. Do NOT send the complete script. Script may be for feature film TV movie, or TV episode).
- Science Fiction Short Story (maximum 5000 words)
- Fantasy Short Story (maximum 5000 words)
- Short-Short Story (horror, SF or fantasy to 1000 words in length)
GRAND PRIZE #1: A tour of Haunted Castles in Ireland. (Airfare and lodgings included)
Ireland - enchanted isle of mist and mysteries. Where better to explore the ancient pagan rites of the druids, to visit altars where awful and unspeakable practices were performed in past eras, and to see the many abbeys, castles and country houses haunted by uneasy spirits of the past. Search out little country graveyards where those long buried rise up on Halloween. Hear tales of the paranormal from those who have experience of the inexplicable. Meet some of Europe's friendliest people and enjoy the beautiful and unspoiled countryside. Bask in the comfort of charming old inns, sample delightful food, and listen to seanachies tell tall tales of headless horses and phantom carriages, of pookas and fairies, of witches and enchantment.
This five to seven day tour includes visits to haunted castles and houses as you travel across the Irish countryside from Shannon to Dublin. A great opportunity to see the Enchanted Isle and learn about its ghostly and haunted traditions. Includes hotel, some meals, all admission fees and professional guide!
GRAND PRIZE #2: A pitch to a New York Literary Agent.
The winning writer will get to pitch a book directly to a top literary agent in New York who has sold a number of horror books to major publishers.
Additional Prizes include:
- Signed First Edition books by some of todays top Horror, SF, and Fantasy Authors, including: Peter Straub, Ramsay Campbell, Steve Alten, Katherine Ramsland, Gregory Frost...and many others.
- Electronics (Ipods, Discman, etc.)
- DVDS (The best in classic Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy)
- Framed Artwork
- And Much More!
- Judges for the contest are all professional writers in the fields of horror, science fiction, fantasy, and thrillers.
- Judges will NOT know the names of the submitted entries and will be judging strictly on the merit and quality of the writing.
- Entries must be post-dated by September 1, 2005
- You may submit one entry for each category.
- A $35 entry fee must accompany first entry. Each additional entry is
$20. Please do not send cash. Checks or money orders only, made payable to The Writers Room
- Each entry must be properly formatted: Typed, Double spaced, Stapled, Numbered pages,
Printed on only one side of the page.
- Each entry must include a separate cover sheet clipped, not stapled, to the top with the following information:
Authors name, Home address, Date of birth, Phone number, Genre of entry (horror, fantasy or science fiction),
Category (see above list), Email address (if available).
- All entries must include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of materials. If you do not want the material returned, this must be clearly marked on the contact cover sheet. We will not return any manuscript which does not include a stamped return mailer.
- Please make sure your name does not appear anywhere on the entry manuscript(s) - only on the contact information sheet clipped to the top.
- We DO NOT accept faxed or emailed submissions.
- Incomplete entries will not be accepted or returned.
Send your entries to:
The Writers Room of Bucks County
1st Annual Horror Writing Contest
4 W. Oakland Avenue
Doylestown, PA 18901
Awards will be presented at The 1st Annual Writers Room Monster Bash on October 22, 2005. You need not be present to win. Winners who do not attend will be notified by mail.
More information will be sent to you upon submitting your entry
The Writers Room of Bucks County
4 W. Oakland Ave.
Doylestown, PA 18901
Fax: 215-348-8137