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2005 Archive:
Whose Scrooge? - by Lee Prosser
December 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Spirit Dor by John Richards
December 9, 2005

The Witchcraft Connection - The Ghostly Carpenter - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
December 6, 2005

Column - regular feature

Nature is a Haunted House - by Lee Prosser
December 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Hollywood Ghost Hunt Weekend by Richard Senate
November 28, 2005

Clairvoyance, Ghosts, and Music - by Lee Prosser
November 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Halloween and the End Times - by Lee Prosser
November 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

The Witchcraft Connection - Resurrection Mary: The Conclusion - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
October 20, 2005

Column - regular feature

1 Corinthians 12:10 - by Lee Prosser
October 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Gift From A Child By Rick Hayes
October 14, 2005

Ghost Hunt: The Liberace Mansion by Richard Senate
October 7, 2005

Mimosa, Marigold, Cayenne, Dandelion, Mullein, Clairvoyance, Uncle Willard, and Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
October 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Today's Cults of Personality by Wayne Harrup
September 19, 2005

Clairvoyance and the River of the Mind - by Lee Prosser
September 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - Rev. Pat Robertson - by Lee Prosser
September 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Cedar Key Inn - The Man in the Kitchen by Janice Cottrill
August 29, 2005

Bide One's Time - High Spirits - by Lee Prosser
August 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

CBS Introduces the Ghost Whisperer by Jeff Belanger
August 5, 2005

Bide One's Time - Ghostly Encounter - by Lee Prosser
August 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - Don Bachardy - by Lee Prosser
July 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - New Mexico, Land of Enchantment - by Lee Prosser
July 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Tibetan Beliefs On Death and Beyond Part 2 of 2 by Janice Cottrill
June 20, 2005

Bide One's Time - Why Do We Enjoy Ghost Story Movies? - by Lee Prosser
June 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Tibetan Beliefs On Death and Beyond Part 1 of 2 by Janice Cottrill
June 13, 2005

Bide One's Time - We are Each a Living Ghost in Our Own Story - by Lee Prosser
June 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Electronic Voice Phenomena (E.V.P.) by Todd M. Bates
May 23, 2005

Bide One's Time - Sensitive to Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
May 17, 2005

Column - regular feature

Emotions of the Paranormal by Brian Leffler
May 13, 2005

George Lutz's Amityville Horror by Jeff Belanger
April 12, 2005

Connecting Through Reincarnation? by Rick Hayes
March 16, 2005

Chinese Hopping Ghosts by Janice Cottrill
March 4, 2005

Dr. Hans Holzer - A Lifetime of Explaining the Unexplained by Jeff Belanger
February 7, 2005

The Legend of Lucy Keyes by John Stimpson
February 4, 2005

Raymond Buckland by Lee Prosser
January 28, 2005

The Mysterious Haunting of Stone's Public House by David Retalic
January 23, 2005

Some Musings on White Noise by Lee Prosser
January 12, 2005

India and the Supernatural by Lee Prosser
January 3, 2005

May 17, 2005

Bide One's Time

"Sensitive to Ghosts"
By Lee Prosser

Lee Prosser - Bide One's Time is Lee's bi-weekly column on the supernatural.Ghosts are intriguing in more ways than one! Some ghosts make for memorable and enjoyable encounters. Some ghosts make for scary and stressful encounters. 

Each individual has the ability to sense the presence of a ghost, yet very few have the skill developed to do so. It can be something as direct and simple as the proverbial feeling of having the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end or actually seeing and communicating with the presence.

A presence can be more than a ghost. There are as many theories as to what a presence is as there are presences! There is always the chance of ridicule. If a person encounters a presence, he or she may want to talk first with others who have had similar experiences. Do not make the mistake of going immediately to your local priest or pastor and discussing it, for you may end up next stop in the office of a psychiatrist. Although there are exceptions, my reading of the subject and discussing the subject with others has led me to believe that most contemporary psychiatrists would define the person as suffering from hallucinations or some other problem as explained in an approved book of psychiatric disorders. Yet, if all contemporary psychiatrists, priests, pastors, and clergy in general were to encounter such things, then you can imagine the approved book of psychiatric disorders would go out the window instantly. Time is on the side of paranormal research, and its honest findings.

In sociology, there is the theme of Paradoxical Perception. The most direct way to explain this theory is by showing how it works. Three people see a ghost, or witness an automobile accident. When questioned for details, each person will tend to tell a story from their perspective, that is, if one person was standing at the back and another was in front and still another was at the side, then they will give their perspective from either back, front, or side. Taken together, the three views give a full, whole photograph of what was seen, but taken separately, the paradoxical perception settles in and there is only one aspect revealed. 

In India, there is the story of Bhutesvara. In legend and myth, Bhutesvara is known as the Lord of Ghosts. His favorite haunt is the graveyard. He also visits cremation sites and is known to dance a wild dance called Tandava with imps in attendance. Every culture has its own version or versions of such happenings. Think about the many ghost tales of a ghost lord or ghost leader in different parts of the United States, think about how each story in the telling has become highly individualized. One could make a case that there is always some ghost serving as director somewhere, sometime, even if alone. It depends on perception.

There are individuals known as sensitives -- those who can sense an unearthly presence when it comes near them. Some sensitives are more developed in their skills than others. Some sensitives may at one time see a presence and at another time only feel its presence. Each presence is different. Each encounter is different. 

Every sensitive is different and acts from her or his ability to communicate with a presence. It is important to remember that each presence is different, too, and comes with its own needs, perceptions, and method of contact.

A ghostly presence may be something held over from a previous time, or it may be appearing to communicate something about to happen. A sensitive does not have all the answers, but certainly can relate what is encountered, and share the experience. 

The next time you feel the prickling of the hairs on the back of you neck, don't shake it away with a laugh, but do open yourself in a positive manner to see who and what is trying to communicate a message to you. If you sense fear, or a threat, laugh it all away and go on about your business. 

A person with a positive attitude can disintegrate the uncanny with a laugh filled with joy and happiness. Try it, it works for this sensitive. I know it for a fact!

Lee Prosser is's book reviewer and a regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's bi-weekly column on his supernatural musings.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014