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September 15, 2005
Bide One's TimeClairvoyance and the River of the MindBy Lee Prosser Every person is capable of clairvoyance. The word comes from the French, and is defined as "clear seeing." Aha, but it is clear seeing above and beyond the regular senses. It is the Sixth Sense. As a sensitive, I have found that being around a body of water, or meditating upon a body of water can oftentimes provide unusual happenings in regard to contact with the dead. Not always, I would caution, but sometimes. In contacting spirits and encountering ghosts, each is a different situation and unfolds in a different manner. That is because every spirit or ghost encounter is different. Each person's gift for contact is different with different results. I have seen and encountered strange things, which one day I will write at length upon. But what I want to address here is the role of water. I have always found solace in the realm of nature, a complete bonding of myself with the soul of that great realm. It has been that way with me since childhood. Sometimes I have been with other people, sometimes alone. With the river, or near one, there is the sense of distilled time and distilled dimension wherein the vibration of existence is fluid, and flowing. The mind wraps around that fluid flow and absorbs its feel, opening to other planes. There are many inner planes, each one different, and how one accesses a given plane depends on both desire and technique of the seeker. To go into the wilderness of the soul and meditate near a quietly flowing river is a powerful experience. I am the proverbial fisherman who casts a hookless, baitless line into the river with only a small lead weight to hold it down...not searching for fish, but searching for something paranormal or supernatural instead! I await what comes to me, and in my mind, I fashion a positive route for the unknown thing I know will come. And it does. Sometimes it is a gem of a spiritual self-realization that was always there but now suddenly crystal clear and lucid! Whether it is an image in your mind or you are there in a nature setting, it will come. Each time out is a new adventure and a new learning experience. You can do the same and be on that river bank. Cast out and see what you reel in mentally in a positive approach. It is there, waiting for a positive invitation for which it will return a positive reception. Open yourself up to the good, and see what good comes your way. So it is, with clairvoyance and the river. The river within the mind is fluid, ever-flowing, and renewing.
Lee Prosser is Ghostvillage.com's book reviewer and a
regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's twice-monthly column on his supernatural musings.
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