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October 1, 2005
Bide One's TimeMimosa, Marigold, Cayenne, Dandelion, Mullein, Clairvoyance, Uncle Willard, and GhostsBy Lee Prosser Ghosts, apparitions, and spirits appear frequently around mimosa trees. So, dont sit under the mimosa tree with anybody except your loved one and a friendly ghost! When I was a child growing up, I remember the mimosa trees growing near fences and the old red barn where my Uncle Willard Firestone lived. Near the roots of the mimosa trees, he had planted marigolds and wild dandelions. When it comes to legends and lore, the mimosa tree has a long history over the centuries. Many sources relate how mimosa helps in the development of psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, and clairvoyance. Mimosa flowers and leaves are used in spells of purification. If you are the target of a hex or curse, bathe in mimosa flowers. Also, another method to shatter a hex or curse is to sprinkle cayenne pepper powder twice around the outside of your home. Cayenne is a well-known herb in magickal spells. Marigold promotes clairvoyance, and is oftentimes planted around the base of a mimosa tree by various spiritual seekers wanting to know what is found in the afterlife. Dandelion root, dried and roasted, can be served as a tasty tea to promote psychic powers. Also, a cup of hot dandelion tea will call spirits. Spirits will come to the tea as the steam and aroma escape into the air. The cup is either held or placed on a table. Sometimes the tea is sipped slowly while awaiting the spirits. As I write this, I am looking out the window. I can see the large mullein plants swaying in the gentle October wind. It is a good time to be in the country and feel the change of seasons and the wind. I drink mullein tea during the flu season for sinus and lung health. It is important when making teas that you make the tea in a natural way without adding any flavorings or sweeteners. Flavorings and sweeteners are made by humans, not by nature. Avoid flavorings and sweeteners. I wrote about the preparation and use of mullein, mugwort, dandelion, and peppermint teas in the book, Herbal Magick by Gerina Dunwich (New Page Books, 2002). Another excellent guide is the book, Herbs by Lesley Bremness (Dorling Kindersley, 1994), with its visual and fact guide to over seven-hundred herb species. If you are in the wild, Edible Wild Plants by Thomas S. Elias and Peter A. Dykeman (Sterling Publishing, 1990) is an invaluable guide and worth your time. There is much we can learn from the plant kingdom nature has given to us. Train and listen to your intuition. Watch and interact with the plant kingdom with reverence and empathy. You will be surprised at what you learn about clairvoyance and ghosts.
Lee Prosser is Ghostvillage.com's book reviewer and a
regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's twice-monthly column on his supernatural musings.
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