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2005 Archive:
Whose Scrooge? - by Lee Prosser
December 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Spirit Dor by John Richards
December 9, 2005

The Witchcraft Connection - The Ghostly Carpenter - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
December 6, 2005

Column - regular feature

Nature is a Haunted House - by Lee Prosser
December 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Hollywood Ghost Hunt Weekend by Richard Senate
November 28, 2005

Clairvoyance, Ghosts, and Music - by Lee Prosser
November 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Halloween and the End Times - by Lee Prosser
November 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

The Witchcraft Connection - Resurrection Mary: The Conclusion - by Marcus Foxglove Griffin
October 20, 2005

Column - regular feature

1 Corinthians 12:10 - by Lee Prosser
October 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Gift From A Child By Rick Hayes
October 14, 2005

Ghost Hunt: The Liberace Mansion by Richard Senate
October 7, 2005

Mimosa, Marigold, Cayenne, Dandelion, Mullein, Clairvoyance, Uncle Willard, and Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
October 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Today's Cults of Personality by Wayne Harrup
September 19, 2005

Clairvoyance and the River of the Mind - by Lee Prosser
September 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - Rev. Pat Robertson - by Lee Prosser
September 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Cedar Key Inn - The Man in the Kitchen by Janice Cottrill
August 29, 2005

Bide One's Time - High Spirits - by Lee Prosser
August 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

CBS Introduces the Ghost Whisperer by Jeff Belanger
August 5, 2005

Bide One's Time - Ghostly Encounter - by Lee Prosser
August 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - Don Bachardy - by Lee Prosser
July 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Bide One's Time - New Mexico, Land of Enchantment - by Lee Prosser
July 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Tibetan Beliefs On Death and Beyond Part 2 of 2 by Janice Cottrill
June 20, 2005

Bide One's Time - Why Do We Enjoy Ghost Story Movies? - by Lee Prosser
June 15, 2005

Column - regular feature

Tibetan Beliefs On Death and Beyond Part 1 of 2 by Janice Cottrill
June 13, 2005

Bide One's Time - We are Each a Living Ghost in Our Own Story - by Lee Prosser
June 1, 2005

Column - regular feature

Electronic Voice Phenomena (E.V.P.) by Todd M. Bates
May 23, 2005

Bide One's Time - Sensitive to Ghosts - by Lee Prosser
May 17, 2005

Column - regular feature

Emotions of the Paranormal by Brian Leffler
May 13, 2005

George Lutz's Amityville Horror by Jeff Belanger
April 12, 2005

Connecting Through Reincarnation? by Rick Hayes
March 16, 2005

Chinese Hopping Ghosts by Janice Cottrill
March 4, 2005

Dr. Hans Holzer - A Lifetime of Explaining the Unexplained by Jeff Belanger
February 7, 2005

The Legend of Lucy Keyes by John Stimpson
February 4, 2005

Raymond Buckland by Lee Prosser
January 28, 2005

The Mysterious Haunting of Stone's Public House by David Retalic
January 23, 2005

Some Musings on White Noise by Lee Prosser
January 12, 2005

India and the Supernatural by Lee Prosser
January 3, 2005

November 1, 2005

Bide One's Time

Halloween and the End Times
By Lee Prosser

Lee Prosser - Bide One's Time is Lee's bi-weekly column on the supernatural.It is the season of the ancient Pagan holiday, Halloween, and by whatever name you call it, it has been around for a long time. The Witch community in its various forms celebrate it in a joyful manner, respecting what it means to them. Children and adults from other settings celebrate it as a festive time of weird costumes and candy-gathering -- as the time for tricks and treats. Whatever reasons this time is celebrated, it is celebrated.

Halloween is like any holiday. But what about the End Times? Is not the End Times a time for celebration?

We live in an era of diminishing returns, an era where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Yes, it is strange times we live in. Earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks, crime, and horrors spill out at us from the media on a moment-to-moment basis, unrelenting! 

In the United States, paranormal activities and investigations grow in popularity as does the rush of television and theater movies on the topic. Paranormal television shows such as The Ghost Whisperer and Medium are just two examples of the supernatural in the mainstream. The various Christian sects gather and comfort each other with tales of the End Times, and that we are now living in these End Times, and of course, the End Times are coming to get us each with a personal encounter, and so, there you have it.

Would it not be feasible that many who talk the good talk and make the good talk about the End Times we live in, simply turn it into a holiday celebration? So many give the End Times such a feel of authenticity, perhaps it is time to turn it into a day and night of celebration, perhaps it could be registered on calendars for sometime during the month of November. Maybe a week before Thanksgiving? Think of the intriguing activities that could be played out on End Times Day, and the paranormal activities and strange predictions that could be aired on all the radio and television stations. Of course, such a day of celebrations would be more amendable to the American sector of the world as all the retail outlets would be scrambling about for sales of costumes and books and whatever caught one's fancy!

And what kind of costume should be worn on End Times Day -- what would you wear?
If you were very brave, you could walk naked into any End Times Day party wearing only a dab of catsup on your head and proclaim you were coming disguised as a wild wiener in search of fellow End Times Day hotdogs! That would be something, would it not! Just a simple, direct costume suggestion for the diehards, but I am sure you could come up with your own paranormal approach to End Times Day. Celebrate with a End Times speaker who could hold your group spellbound with tales of the coming end and how and why, then that speaker could say there is no such thing as the paranormal or the supernatural, but rather, only the End Times agenda.

There is so much to consider here. But first, celebrate and respect the history of Halloween, if you wish. Pick up a book from your local library and read about the history and background of Halloween, and learn about it. There are so many books available to give you free information, you will find them easily enough. Then, not far away, seek out the books on the End Times and construct your ideas for the coming of End Times Day and how best it can be observed. Really, the truth be known, when it comes to the End Times, everything is in the observing. 

Observe. Smile. Celebrate. It is the time to be merry in more ways than one. And best of all, relax and enjoy. There is always time for a few seconds for relaxation and enjoyment among your peers! 

Share a cup of coffee with a ghost, take time for the pause that refreshes, and come to know what a day of celebration can offer you, by whatever name it comes! Celebrate and listen to the sounds of the music voiced by the followers of the coming day of reckoning!

Happy Halloween. Happy End Times. 

May all of the holidays you recognize and celebrate be filled with joy, humor, and truth. Who could ask for anything more? Amen.

Lee Prosser is's book reviewer and a regular contributor. "Bide One's Time" is Prosser's twice-monthly column on his supernatural musings.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014